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Everything posted by GeekWere

  1. Hopefully this isn't necroing but, https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2tzydp/failed_to_switch_to_requested_resolution_help/ I ran into this yesterday actually. Go to the manual launcher, swap graphics to full screen, or windowed instead if already doing so, And turn off AA. You can turn full screen back on after. I encountered this after I started adding mods, My Borderless Window command addition broke it and had to do these steps to get it running again. I can't find my previous steam thread I found that helped but, this is similar. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104114-Couldn-t-switch-to-requested-monitor-resolution
  2. I had this too, Not sure if it's stock or due to Kerbaltown. Was very WTF when I first saw it.
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