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Everything posted by Crimsonwings

  1. A bit of a bug-bear I have with KSP's kerbals is that there's little difference between them, and a hunk of plastic and circuit boards. Aside from EVAs and crew reports, the kerbals themselves are little more than window dressing. This suggestion is possibly a way to make kerbals first off, worth saving, and second a little more meaningful than "fancy science fetchers" A "mission control" mode would be an option when making a new sandbox or career mode game, and would, in effect, make the kerbals fly the ship. When selected, any ship that has kerbals in a command pod or lander can, will be flown by the kerbal(s) in it. The only control you would have is in setting maneuver nodes (which would be expanded to include takeoffs and landings). You cannot otherwise direct the ship or turn off the kerbal's command of the ship. Unmanned ships and probes will still be under 100% of your control. The kerbal's ability to actually fly the ship would be effected by the stupidity and courage stats currently in the game, High stupidity would mean the kerbal is less than accurate in following your maneuver plans, causing him to possibly fly off course. Low courage would have him break under pressure, meaning during a tense landing attempt he may panic and open up that throttle... Training could then be introduced as a way of improving an individual kerbal's stats and the stats of potential recruits, and using Ol' Jeb as a base line, he would be a poor choice for making orbital maneuvers and burns, but could be rather helpful when trying to land in a tricky spot (which could explain how he lived through all them "hard landings") the general idea is to make the kerbals something more than crew reporters and rock collectors, to have crew selection have a part in a mission just as big as the engine choice or lander design.
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