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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Ohh they are organized. Ever heard of TEST from EVE Online. They are/were major sovereignty holders. Along with the SA crowd called Goonswarm. Haven't played in a while might resub just to see how the war between those two ended.
  2. Stranding five Kerbals on the Mun. Send a three man rescue crew with 2 hitchhiker cans. Pull off said rescue mission only to time warp into Kerbin's surface killing all eight.
  3. Going straight up it may or may not be a problem. But if you have a large rocket and have to separate a stage during your turn having them is a must. I have an orbiter built using B9 Aerospace and KW Rocketry it has 16 total separation motors. All my stage separation occurs above 10000m. Without them I would have major issues because in order for it to not rip itself apart I had to strut it to hell and back.
  4. Been playing KSP around a year now. I blow more stuff up than I put into space. Only made it as far as the Mun, without landing on it, so far. I have many Kerbals stranded out in orbit around Kerbol awaiting a rescue mission that will never come.
  5. Finally built a successful space shuttle. Big and way over engineered. For Kerbin's sake it can go out the Mun and back with fuel to spare. After a successful flight test At the Mun Reentry returning from the Mun With the Launch system.
  6. After many many and some more many failures, and many dead kerbals I finally managed to build a successful reusable orbiter. The Thor Mk2. The Mk1 even after successful atmospheric test proved to be a dismal failure. When back to the drawing board, and thus the Thor Mk2 Orbiter was born. Slightly larger than the Mk1, and with double the wing span is proved to be much more stable on reentry. Here it is the Thor Mk2 Orbiter utilizing B9 Aerospace, and KW Rocketry With the launch system I would later change the staging to not fire the middle engine till the two large 3.5m tanks had been decoupled. Final testing would reveal that not only is the Mk2 easily capable of Kerbin orbit... I can make it to the Mun and back legitimately
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