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    Weeabo Rocketeer
  1. Indeed. In fact, it just occurred to me now that it is likely this same difference which sets apart the Surface and Orbit modes on the Navball. One is in the rotating reference frame of Kerbin's surface (which makes it relevant for tasks like "point the end that isn't on fire towards space" or "land in one piece"), while the other has a fixed axis (and is more relevant for everything else). By this analogy, one could say that the trajectory is always drawn in "orbit" mode.
  2. Actually, I believe the centrifugal force (-omega x (omega x r)) points up, working ever so slightly against gravity. Ah, I believe you've nailed it. I just tested it, and sure enough, the ship does actually land where it launches from, rather than where the blue curve initially ends. As the ship rises and falls, the blue curve of the trajectory appears to "move west" along Kerbin as Kerbin rotates.
  3. Right, absolutely. You also wouldn't fly forwards relative to the train. Yet rockets fly forwards relative to Kerbin.
  4. Aye, but therein lies my confusion.My apologies if I'm reading your post too literally, but to my understanding, the rocket is not stationary relative to the surface. If it was, then it would be landing right where it was launched from, instead of a ways into the ocean to the east.
  5. In my experience in KSP, even if all thrust is applied straight downwards, a ship's trajectory will naturally be towards the east. I assume this is why eastward gravity turns are recommended, as chances are you will naturally be moving east at your first apoapsis. However, I can't figure out why it is exactly that they point east. I assumed this was due to the Coriolis effect, but here's the catch: By my calculations, the Coriolis force points west. Fcor points in the direction of (- omega x vref), where omega is the absolute angular velocity (straight out of Kerbin's north pole), and vref is the velocity in the rotating reference frame (straight out of the equator). Have I messed up somewhere, or is there another physical effect at work here? EDIT: With help from the community, figured it out. The ship isn't deflecting eastward relative to Kerbin. The trajectory doesn't actually show where you will land, because it doesn't take Kerbin's rotation into account (as it well shouldn't, or else a geosynchronous orbit would look like a point ).
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