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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Come to think of it... could one space the effects of a SRB? So instead of it looking like a beam (like that laser mod), it would look as if it\'s shooting out bullets. So instead of piecing together hundreds of ammo and smashing your space key many times to fire, you just have to press space once and pretend the gun\'s emptying its ammo. Gatling gun, anyone? Otherwise, a rocket pod would be cool. Just 8 holes, and with symmetry support.
  2. Hmm, after flying the Berkut a few times, it seems like when I add the IR SAS thingy on the off-center node on the nose (is it intentional?) it tends to list to the right a bit. Also, maybe bump up the lift on the wings to 1, it\'ll make for a steadier flight. Otherwise, good job! If KSP got online multiplayer I\'m sure there\'ll be people who will be duking it out, Ace Combat style.
  3. I just realized, with this, C7\'s flight pack, and Tosh\'s laser, among other things, we can make the ADFX-01 in KSP. Brilliant! Can\'t wait for this to come out.
  4. Now someone should make the Silbervoegel in KSP. Maybe something like Vanguard? But with that huge booster at the end? Call it Silver Hawk, make it an ancient relic from wartime Kermany... that KSP conveniently \'found\' in a junkyard. Hohoho.
  5. I\'m seeing a 12 on the outside, and a 7 on the inside... How about making it into smaller pieces? I\'m thinking... -\'core\' 7-slot adapter (like in kw\'s pack, which has 6-sided symmetry for the outer slots) -\'sleeve\' 12-slot adapter (arranged in 3 x 4-sided symmetry, so we can apply engines easier) -smaller engines (to be put on the adapters) This way, the user(s) could potentially use other engines to create the Mega Bertha cluster, with variable explosive results. Another idea would be -core 7 -side-mountable 3-engine \'sleeve\' (use 4-sided symmetry to complete the look) the core 7 could be 2 meter, and plus the \'sleeve\' could be 3 meter.
  6. Hey, is it me, or is the current version shows up as 404 on mediafire for everyone? I love the mod, and would like to try the 1/2 length rounds, so if someone would reupload it to another host (dropbox preferred), that\'d be smashing.
  7. Ooh, solar sails, I don\'t believe anyone had made any yet! Or just make them sail-like winglets or something. Hehe.
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