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Jeb The Astronaut

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. thats a great idea jedensuscg.....i havent even looked at the add ons...and or mods....at least yet!
  2. I had the same issue a few times...i just kept pointing my legs a little in advance of where i was going to hit...so instead of straight down i had it cocked towards the direction I was going so when it hit it slowed me down and made my craft straight. I got my save working and didnt have enough fuel to get back home. I can get off the moon and even get into orbit in kerbal but just not enough!
  3. I landed on the moon!!!! thx all who helped....I found that waiting til i was right over the spot i wanted to land almost then retrograded hard....so I dropped almost straight down...I actually bounced my first time then got carried over and bounced again off the side of a crater...going super slow the whole time...finally landed on the side of a hill. Got out ran around...was just about to plant a flag and the game screen went black hahah...hoping my last save will help. It wasnt pretty but damn it I landed on the moon...I feel like im in the club.
  4. i tried landing in a crater...so far no success landing but ive come up with a few things i noticed....if you do go for a steep crater I think you have to have sharper descent....i quick saved coming but I was moving to fast to retrograde quick enough to make it into the crater....id hit the other side....I was coming in like a frisbee instead of straight down. Man I suck at this game haha but it is addicting. Even every time I crash I find I learned something new or designed a rocket slightly better. I think im gonna build up a bunch more science first to get a few items I want then try landing again.
  5. Thx guys....watching the video...and ya burning retrograde probably long before im so close im assuming hahah....I was sooo disappointed to make it that far!
  6. First off....i almost quit after the first 2 hours in the game....then I did career mode and it simplified everything. Im about 20 hrs in and think this may be one of the most original and enlightening games ive ever played.....so impressed! Ok...ive figured out orbits pretty good...and my last two attempts to get to the moon have been pretty successful. However ive never successfully landed...I crash land. I could use some advice. I dont have lights so when I come in on the dark side I cant see anything...my last crash was in a mountain I assume cause it was 2.4km in the air still. Also is there a way to slow your approach....I had a small thruster with plenty of fuel but it seemed even with that puppy fired up I was coming in too fast. Should slow down before I even get that close? The best part about this game is even my failures still feel great....crashing into the moon meant ..atleast I made it to the moon!
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