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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I see this makes more sense now, Thank you I will look into reducing textures aswell as the linked mod.
  2. I have all the crash reports that have been saved to the KSP game folder. Unfortunately I don't really know what I am looking for.
  3. Nathan thanks for the link is this more for low end pc's? Or is it something else? This is my build: I7 4770k @4.5 sabertooth mobo 16gb vengence ram gtx 780 250gb ssd + 2tb HDD 750w psu plenty of cooling
  4. Hi there I was wondering if anyone could help me, I am having a few issues with the Kosmos mod, it is causing my game to randomly close most often whilst in VAB. I really want to get this mod to work as I am currently attempting to recreate the ISS. I am not using many mods as I started fresh yesterday B9 ExsurgentEngineering KineTechAnimation Kosmos_R4.7.2 KOSMOS_techTree ModuleManager.2.1.4 ResGen Any help on what might be causing this would be great. Thanks
  5. Yes I was referring to compatibility with 0.23 release.
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