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Everything posted by Jay7sun

  1. Hi All, Quik thanks to everyone for helping myself and others on the freindliest forums around.. Cheers Here's a "craft" LOL which I thought some folks here would find entertaining, introducing my Megakerbatron!! Required mods: 1- Kerbal Attachent Systems (KAS) 2- Infernel Robotics Enjoy!!! Download craft file: http://www./view/0zdqe6u7rdasgdy/Megakerbatron5.craft
  2. A winch and grappling hook on front and back of all my rovers, u just never know when u'll need it. Awesome fun too..
  3. Thumbs up to the folk here, defiinitely friendly and helpful. Nice change from a prominent combat flight simulator forum I regularly view. Wow good timing from my above post .... lol Yep, attracts a more mature crowd IMHO Edit: Missed your post (#22) while typing mine.. : )
  4. Some great comments here.. lol I'm suprised some struggle with Duna. Ive only landed on the Mun, Minmus, Duna & Eve. Found Duna quite easy. Eve is a pain but I think I should check out other places first. lol Only lost Jeb once in the early days, never again! : )
  5. Heres my "base", im more just pooling resources together so I can get 1 mother lander to cover 5 or 6 biomes in 1 trip. It can be alot of fun with some real challenges, havent lost any Kerbals yet. Had a hairy situation with Bill tho, he had to make an emergency landing about 150km from the base, luckily his fine rover w- front and back winch saved the day,haha, took 2 or 3 hrs of careful rovering tho.!! Save often or dont save at all so u can revert !! lol
  6. I cant help with MeckJeb as I dont use any mods, do you have enough fuel to burn into any sort of Kerbin orbit? Docking station attached? If no is the answer to both the previous questions I don't like your chances of recovery, but I am no expert by any means.. : )
  7. You can click 'stage only' on the resources tab at the top right of the screen.
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