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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well, that was a fast Answer. I doesnt noticed the Post, I'm sorry about the Repost... Good Night its around 1 o Clock here :/
  2. Did anybody else noticed that the KSP Facebook Page is broken? I only looked so often at it cause they want to post a Picture of my Creation :/ ... Link to FB (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kerbal-Space-Program/240760572609841) Is there anybody else with the Problem or is it just me? I'm in Germany maybe thats the Problem... Greetings Lukas
  3. Sorry if this is a Repost, I've looked in the forum for a same post but there was no one. Is there any Way to find out which Mod crashed the Game by Reading the Game Crash Logs or do I have to experiment with the mods to find out which one is the "Bad Guy"? Best Regards Lukas Btw. Sorry for my bad English...
  4. KSP braucht bei mir unglaubliche Mengen an Arbeitsspeicher seit der neuen Version, in der Prozess Leiste steht 2,7gb doch insgesamt werden Knapp über 5 Gigabyte gebraucht irgendwas stimmt da nicht. Hat jemand das gleiche Problem und ne Lösung für mich?
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