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Everything posted by Ilandria

  1. I'm having this exact same issue as well as two others: 1) Same thing, but stuck at 100% instead of 0%. 2) Sometimes when I open the flight envelope tab the entire GUI is blank (one giant gray box) and my frame rate drops from ~160 FPS down to ~4 FPS until I minimize or close the window. I've waited on the screen for a good 15 minutes just to make sure it's not some slower calculation. All three of these issues require me to quit KSP, delete the mod, re-install the mod, and relaunch KSP. I can't find what triggers the issue as so far it seems to happen arbitrarily with the same plane, and with or without other mods installed. They're very common occurrences and I can generally expect about a 50/50 chance between either the mod functioning or running into one of those issues. Either tonight or tomorrow (depending on free time) I'll try to create a few examples and send the logs/crafts. I'm excited to get this stable though, it'll be extremely helpful. Edit: This is in 1.4.5, btw
  2. Oh awesome, I suppose I should check out dev versions before posting questions - I just searched through the thread and didn't find anything, my bad
  3. I looked around for a bit and I couldn't find a clear answer on this. Is there any way to change the reference body used for TWR calculations in the VAB? For example, I wanna make a lander that has exactly 1.0 TWR on Minmus when it's half full on fuel, but MechJeb (from what I can tell) only allows you to see what your TWR is with respect to the celestial body you're currently on. It's not the end of the world cause you can just divide/multiply by whatever factor the gravity differs between Kerbin and your target body, but it'd just be nice to have it show that automatically. Kerbal Engineer lets you do exactly this, but I'd find it a little silly if I have to run that in tandem with MechJeb.
  4. I completely agree with this, I really really want to use this mod but having the camera take over the entire screen is just annoying to me - being able to open one (or more) windows and assigning camera angles to them would be amazing! I know that the LAZOR mod has a hull camera and a docking camera that both have separate windows, if you could do something like that it'd be awesome. I'd just use LAZOR but it has a ton of stuff in it that I really don't need or want.
  5. I second this - I'd love to be able to set some toggle key that would switch between using WASDQE and mouse movements to use control surfaces (ie, wherever your mouse was when you activated mouse-control mode is considered the "dead zone", moving away from that would act as if you're tilting a joystick more and more). The only real issue is that mouse movements are obviously only two-dimensional - you'd still need to use the keyboard for roll, better than nothing though.
  6. Your installation directory should look like this: ...KSP/GameData/RemoteTech2 after install Not KSP/GameData/GameData/RemoteTech2 - people just package it in a GameData folder to make it clear where everything inside that folder gets put.
  7. Last we heared was yesterday and he said he'll be gone for two days, gave a dev build to those that volunteered to help, and that he'd fix found bugs and try to release a 0.23 version around Christmas. The GitHub with source and stuffs is here https://github.com/Cilph/RemoteTech2 if you want though.
  8. Oh okay, sorry - I'm just getting into Kerbal mods and stuff (only started in the last week or two of 0.22 before 0.23 launched) so I'm not sure exactly how everyone is handling their own and other's projects. Got the source from GitHub though, thanks!
  9. Cilph would it be asking too much for you to put a link to the dev builds either on the main post or in your signature? It's kinda hard to keep up with what the current iteration is via sifting through the last 10-20 pages of the thread, lol
  10. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60933-Optional-MechJeb-Modules feex :3
  11. ^ that is my exact train of thought. Do the first option for those that want to have the failsafe and the second option for those of us that want the added gameplay of needing to launch a rescue mission. An option in the config file would work fine! I'd <3 you if you could to that and make everyone happy.
  12. Yah I was finding the storage amounts large enough that the mod's parts almost made the entire mod pointless, lol Good news is you can just change all the settings in-game (you have to restart after). I basically just doubled the consumption rates on food, water, electricity, and oxygen and I've found it to be good enough for me. A lot of it is really personal preference though.
  13. Whatever you do I'd really like to see an option to keep it the way it is now: if you lose connection on a probe, it doesn't search or regain connection automatically. I REALLY like having to send a manned mission to the probe to fix it purely because it's like... the only time ever in this game where you can have an actual maintenance mission apart from stuff like refuelers, etc. It just adds some nifty gameplay to the game, the only thing adding failsafes in does is remove potential gameplay for those that want it. I see where some people don't care about the added gameplay and potential "probe rescue/recovery" missions and just want to not worry about making sure accidentally losses of connection don't matter too much but I will be sad if we're forced into it. As much as it adds "more realism" to the game, it doesn't add more fun to the game. Until they add mechanical failures or something to the game that you need to fix with an EVA or something I just don't want to see the feature removed without the option of having it back from RT. :3
  14. Just want to add that I would also very much appreciate this <3
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