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Everything posted by swamp_ig

  1. I have done this, although it does require a bit of hacky reflection code to do it. You need to access some private variables to find the right object. I'm not currently at home, will post a code snippet when I'm there later today.
  2. Any more ideas on how to make this work? It's really doing my head in too. It *should* work according to the unity documentation, but unity seems to stubbornly refuse to copy anything in Instantiate that is Serializable. I'm about to give in and serialize the data to an array of strings, which I know does get copied on Instantiate. Edit: If you store a byte array in the class and mark it with [serializableField] then this will get cloned correctly. You can use this to copy complex stuff from the config file. I can commit a change to the example that shows how to do this if you like.
  3. Maybe a simple way of adding a comment to the commit would just be to pull the description field from the craft, or some subsection of it. You could put in at the end of the description, and everything after that becomes the commit comment and also removed from the craft description. EG: Revision: Added the rocket engines to the cockpit. Is this a good idea?
  4. I'm actually working on the next version of stretchy tanks, which will be a major upgrade. This feature is planned.
  5. Hi, Why don't you create your own plugin folder, and use ModuleManager to 'edit' the usual sound config files? This is a much cleaner way of doing things.
  6. Nathan: You should add this mod to this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55401-Community-Mods-and-Plugins-Library1
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