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Everything posted by swamp_ig

  1. Ok cool so I'll do a fork and fix the bugs, then do a push request (or is it pull request) when it's working.
  2. I've been taking a look at the decouplers and how to improve it. I feel that the mass of the decoupler should be related to the decoupler force as well as the size - after all that's what you'd expect right? The problem is that the stock decouplers really don't follow any rhyme or reason in their masses / decoupling force / thickness.. or any variable relation really. So I've put up a poll, please vote Edit: Incidentally - please note that the wobble issue in KSP 0.23.5 that was present prior to PP 0.9.2 should be now fixed. The primary determination for joint strength is the size of the attach node, rather than the part mass. Given that the exact mass of the decoupler is a bit irrelevant -the mass of fuel tanks and other stuff is going to be much larger.
  3. As per request, the decouplers in the latest build are straighter. If you want totally straight ones (or to be able to modify the curve) have a look at the config file and comment out the line that is suggested that you comment: https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/blob/master/Parts/Structural/StackDecoupler.cfg#L60 I was toying with putting in cylinders, but that would require modification to any ships in flight, which isn't ideal really.
  4. I've just put up 0.9.3. That has hot rockets support. It's possible I accidentally put an old version of one of the DLLs in the download bundle, which is causing the above errors. Try this version and see if that fixes it. (I'm at work so I can't look at it further)
  5. Fixed. Done... Will push out a new release with this in the morning. If anyone really wants this functionality, wait 8 hours
  6. This is mostly a bugfix release Features: Created a module manager 2.0.1 config file to allow 1m and 0.1m snap sizes and alter the default diameters to suit. See the ModuleManager subfolder for the file. You'll have to rename it to get it to work. Bugfixes: Xenon tanks missing cones. Part wobble / joint positions fix Tanks not filling / working right. Note Any xenon tanks attached to ships in flight will require any ships in flight to be edited. Directions are here: (https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/wiki/Upgrading-between-versions)
  7. You need the textures obviously. Once you've got that ready just follow the directions in the Parts/STTextures.cfg file.
  8. I'd like to contribute some code to module manager, just a bit confused as to which repository to fork. Ialdabaoth/ModuleManager seems to have the 2.0 code, but then sarbian/ModuleManager has been the repo with the most activity for some time. Also the MM switch code seems not to have made it to the Ialdabaoth version. What I'd like to contribute is that when editing, the order of definitions stays the same. This matters with tweakables, it affects the order the tweakers appear in the list. It's also sometimes important for initialization.
  9. You can surface attach the tanks at the moment, although there's no 'mounting pod' If you see the OP you'll see that that is planned...
  10. Essentially because that's the approximate range of aspect ratios in stock, much like all the other limits If you want longer nose-cones then have a look in the config file and change aspectMax and aspectMin, these are the ratio of the width to the length (or it might be the other way round, can't quite remember). In any case, as with all the design limits they're all malleable if you do a bit of config tweaking, and if you've built with different limits then once you've saved or launched the ship the dimensions won't get messed with even if you play with the config file again. Again, more or less to try to keep with stock. As for the rounded edges... it is because it is?? Dunno, I just threw that together as a proof of concept more than anything. You could also play with the config file for that one too, maybe apply some of the modules for decouplers to the standard structural part. Do name it something unique however, as otherwise you'll end up getting a name collide with an 'official' part and bad things will happen. All my parts will be called proceduralXXX
  11. Hotfix: https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/releases/download/v0.9.1/KSPAPIExtensions.dll https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/releases/download/v0.9.1/ProceduralParts.dll I think this may solve the issues that have been reported (slider problems, problems with interop with other mods) If anyone is keen to do some testing for me, please download the two dll files and replace the ones in ProceduralParts/Plugins
  12. Can someone with the rescaling bug please post their debug log: https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/issues/32
  13. You can just set diameterLargeStep and diameterSmallStep as properties to the ProceduralPart module in the config file and it will do all that. No change to the source code required I did intend to do that for RF, but clearly forgot. Raised a bug here: https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/issues/34 Not at the moment. You mean in vertical cross-section or horizontal? Vertical wouldn't be too hard to code up - it's just a surface of revolution. Horizontal would need to wait for extrudes, but that's next on my list.
  14. Can someone with the failing-to-load bug please put your debug log here: https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/issues/32 If you can provide a stack trace: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/7544-The-official-unoffical-help-a-fellow-plugin-developer-thread/page43?p=620737#post620737 of any exceptions that would be great, otherwise it makes it rather hard to track down. Unfortunately they don't appear in the debug log file, you need to look for them in the KSP log which is available with Alt-F12 after doing what it says above, and popping open any exception once you're in there. Try to find the first point the exception occurs, I'm not that interested in null pointer exceptions that are way after the initial problem. Anyhow, just been fiddling with the code and this issue may already be fixed... If someone can reproduce it and wants to help debug then let me know.
  15. No It's much easier with tweakers and sliders, besides there's so many things to tweak you'd run out of keys on the keyboard.
  16. Yeh you'll definitely need to delete any old mod folder. The parts are now in sub-folders, so the old parts will override the new ones if you don't clean up first.
  17. Actually, the ships pre 0.8 didn't save their mass properly, so you'll probably want to rebuild those too. If you have done anything in 0.8 that you really want to keep, go through the save files (the .craft as well as the saves) and remove all the bits that look like this: MODULE { name=PartMessageManager }
  18. Alrighty! Version 0.9.0 is out. See first thread for details. Unfortunatly Eggman's part pack will not work until it's updated, but he's working on that
  19. Hi, I think I found a small bug in the election code, I've created a bug report to document: https://github.com/Ialdabaoth/ModuleManager/issues/2 Also just wondering - Why do you use OnGUI rather than Start or some other entry point? Is it so that module manager executes last?
  20. What procedural means is that the model is generated based on the dimensions you put in. There is no scaling of models done, the models are 1:1 scale. This lends certain advantages - for example the mesh has a dynamic number of vertexes depending on the size. This means a small tank will be faster to render than a huge one as you don't need lots of extra detail when the part is tiny. This works also with the bezier cones - they only have enough points in the mesh to make it look smooth at normal camera distances. If you zoom right in you can see that it's actually a series of truncated cones. I have thought about a rescaling plugin, but that's available elsewhere, plus for me not that interesting to do.
  21. Cool! I will put at the very least the xenon tank into the main mod.
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