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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. MechJeb is pretty much a 'must' for me if I'm trying to put something big into space. I'm on an old laptop and during the bigger launches it's not at all unusual to get 1 frame per second or less. But I do understand the sentiment of doing things yourself instead of letting a computer do it. I do things (orbits, landings) manually for the first time (in a new version or after a break from KSP). But when I start bigger projects or start approacing "real" science instead of kerbal science, I use computer assistance. Plus, I find MechJeb to be a wonder itself. The first time I used the automatic landing on the Mun I was almost as nervous as the first time I landed manually. I couldn't believe it worked, just like that. I imagine if I looked at the source code of MechJeb, I'd just see swirling torrents of magical energy.
  2. Getting there wasn\'t too hard with the same method I get to the Mun. Fuel-wise it\'s not all that much different, and the inclination of Minmus\'s orbit is pretty much the only additional thing you have to take into account.
  3. Do the pieces of debris still experience all the forces, even when you\'re not 'following' those parts? I have a bunch of discarded fuel tank + engine stacks in orbit, with a periapsis of about 66-67 km, so they pass through the atmosphere. If I\'m doing other missions elsewhere, will those orbits decay as they should or do they run on 'reduced physics'?
  4. This almost happened to me, too. As my lander legs started sinking into what I wasn\'t sure if it was ground, I almost legged it. But I didn\'t, and for me it happened to turn out fine. I thought the lakes were supposed to be wet, snowy sludge.
  5. I also found one Mun Arch by accident. I did a horizontal take-off with my munar rover and as I was climbing for the apoapsis, I spotted it on the ground. I immediately launched more missions to explore it. I was unaware (although it\'s not a real surprise either) that there are special things on Minmus as well. Exploration awaits!
  6. I\'m not quite sure how to interpret those instructions. I just tried the same method I use to get to the Mun. Orbit towards 90 degrees, burn as the target rises above the horizon until your apoapsis reaches its influence. I didn\'t even take into account the fact that Minmus orbits in a different plane and I still got there (actually, how many degrees \'off\' does Minmus orbit?). And I had to kind of eyeball it from the orbital map, as you can\'t see Minmus through the atmosphere.
  7. Great tutorial Artlav. I managed to land on the Mun on the first try with that rocket and guide. Didn\'t quite get back, since I had a SAS module to protect the RCS fuel tanks (don\'t have any mods or extra parts). But I did get back into Munar orbit after landing, just not far enough to fall back into Kerbins gravity well. I think I\'ll try the winglet-solution next.
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