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Everything posted by Laflaga

  1. .............................................................................(facepalm).......................... Of all the things, i tried right clicking as well, just not left..... You may guess that this was my first time using a science module..........
  2. The hatch is unobstructed. Im thinking its just a bug maybe, I don't supose its very often you crash a science module with Kerbals in it and it survives lol. I've managed to get into an orbit around the Mun with it still attached. I will bring a refueler and fly them home. See if recovering the vessel will save them.
  3. Bill and Bob were in the science module when my truck crashed sending it tumbling away from the command module with jeb in it. Luckily the science module was intact but for some reason I can't get Bill and Bob out of it. http://imgur.com/a/redyo
  4. I prefer to use the unmanned probe cores to control my orbital stations so I dont have a kerbal alone in space just to man a fuel depot etc..
  5. I got the hang of landing pretty well. I figured out how to use the set maneuver nodes too which helped me alot. I recently hit another milestone. I've not long ago unlocked docking ports and I got my first orbital satellite setup. A drone controlled mobile processing lab. http://imgur.com/DOVlmir I also rescued an ambitious science vessel which ran out of fuel after escaping mun and getting into orbit. http://imgur.com/K2HNZiG Lets just say I learnt how to dock by necessity!
  6. So I came up with a plan, tested various versions, and eventually launched operation "White Knight Down" http://imgur.com/a/KqZce
  7. Hi buddy, I have a similar thread going about career mode and you may find some useful answers already posted in it. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/63226-Career-Mode-help
  8. Sooo, sort of hit a snag. I landed on the Mun, did some science, then couldn't reach orbit with my remaining fuel.... Is it worth the trouble to send a rescue of just retry launch? Edit: It seems I am unable to revert launch at this point anyway. If I press escape key the revert button is greyed out, I tried ramming the ground and the revert function wasn't there also. So Jeb is officially stranded on the Mun I guess. Any suggestions for a rescue craft? Can you refuel a ship on the moon with another ships fuel?
  9. That is gonna save me soooo much frustration! Thanks!!! Didn't actually make it because I messed up my gravity turn 3 times in a row. 1st and 2nd attempts must have been lucky lol! After watching some videos I think I understand the theory so going for a retry.
  10. Ive got to the Mun twice now but crash landed both times. Keep overestimating how much my engine can decelerate me... 3rd time lucky I hope! PS: Dave Kerbin, thanks for the design, it was helpful
  11. I remember in one of the tutorials its warns you that warping puts more strain on your ships.
  12. Thanks, I look around but only seem to see far more advanced ship guides or ones with mod add-ons. Could you suggest a good rocket out of stock early(ish) parts please?
  13. So im new and I went into career after the tutorials. I have got a lot of science from Kerbin and spent it on everything worth 45 science and then electrics worth 90 science. But I just feel a bit lost now. What do I do? I would like to go to the moon but I dont know how to build a good enough rocket and lander, then there is taking off and coming back and all the fuel I would need. Plus I heard there are orbital refueling stations and space stations. I dont know what I am able to go for with my current technology.
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