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    Curious George
  1. Hi Kerbals, After seeing some LP Videos from NickFrei on YT I've purchased KSP yesterday. Now i have a lot of Issues. I fixed the Font problem. KSP Runs fine (starting etc.) But i have the same Problem as FushigiZ that building a Rocket is impossible because the green snap balls are missing. My first impression was, huh you need this decouplers for this. So i put a pod on the svreen and i managed it to get an atenna on it. GREAT Launch. But i didn't was on the landingPad i was in Space. ??? My plan was to gather the first sience points with EVA and Crewreport as i saw on the LP. Aborting. Back in the Hangar i've loaded my pod but it was not on the scene. OK tried building the pod in the aircraft section. after launch iwas not in space, also not on the airfield. i was in a high atmosphere (trusting the instruments). clicking the EVA brings me down to the airfield. AHA! switching around the camera and then i was under the airfield. Aborting. Reading the forum i saw there where comma,period swaps. so i used LC_ALL=C ./KSP.x86_64 in the steam start parameters hoping it could be a mismatched number for the coords. Didn't help. Has somebody similar behaiviers under linux? or better a solution for me ? My Specs: Manjaro 0.8.8 (Arch based) 16GB Ram, i5 , Nvidia GT240S with 331.20 prop driver. Thans in advance Jorval
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