Hey. Im sorta at the same stage of the game. Just upgraded from Demo (version18) few days ago, Im like wauw! Anyway, Ive been looking around aswell for guides to rocket/shipbuilding, and while there's tuns (!!), its all in fancy gear I havent unlocked yet, and nothing for the hill-billy-stage we're at. So what can I share: just some simple advice; Take small steps and build on gained experience. For instance: you've given yourself a great start sucking Kerbal dry for science points; Now ye know how that all works, go repeat it at the Mun, and then the next moon or planet and so forth. First a fly-by, then into orbit, then landings. Researched new stuff? Testfly it on simple Kerbal -orbit -missions (or craft). Same as new science parts btw... To get started look at the mun-craft from tutorial 3. If you can get that into orbit around Kerbal, with using none or little of its own fuel, then you are good to go for at least orbiting the Mun and coming back safely. And remember: the more times you fail, the greater will feel the reward at success! Hey and just enjoy having to pioneer ye way around, I know I am! And happy there's no newby-guide to ruin all the fun.