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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Sorry if this is kind of a stupid question, or there is something I missed, but I cannot use certain parts as it states 'This part type isn\'t available in this version of KSP.' Is anybody else getting this? When I load the craft file though, those parts are there, but I still cannot use them from the part menu. I\'m running the latest version of KSP (purchased).
  2. The ship I made was basically a copycat of the Satellite Delivery System, and the issue that I believe is causing all this, is that the parts seem to be colliding with eachother forcing it out of it\'s flight path.
  3. Since the latest update, the ship parts seem really flimsy which throws any rockets I make out of whack... Ships I made before 0.1.2 for the latest version of KSP worked fine, then when I rebuilt them, or even made new designs, I keep running into this issue, suggestions?
  4. Anyone know the best way to fix the rocket from wobbling like crazy from the new update, or going sideways...? I can\'t get it straight up, using all Saturn V parts... And nobody say Viagra please...
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