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    Curious George
  1. I've found a bug, but couldn't find a known issues section (maybe i'm just blind?). I built a shuttle in the SPH, the underside material of the wings is HRSI, the topside material is LRSI. When i import this shuttle to the VAB to attach to a launcher, the materials are no longer symmetrical. (the left wing top material is LRSI, the right wing top material is HRSI). The wings were placed with double mirror symmetry and angle snap off, in the SPH. Rotating the shuttle in the VAB occasionally seems to invert the materials again (left wing top switched to HRSI, right wing top changed to LRSI). Turning symmetry double, switching to mirror, angle snap off, and replacing the wings does not help. However changing the symmetry to radial does in fact fix the texture issue, but also creates the issue of having asymmetrical wings. I can post pictures and/or craft files if necessary.
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