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Everything posted by IrRedemption

  1. JEB returning from my Minmus Kethane Extractor he's going on a special mission soon.
  2. I'd say pol the color,ground and the huge slopes make it very intresting.
  3. Get hyperedit and put gilly on a collison course with kerbin>
  4. Wish it didn't have spoilers now got too clicks so much
  5. In my Opinion another planet shouldn't be implemented just yet. Career mode and other major additions to the game should be a top Priority for squad. But yes it would be nice to have another planet in the Kerbol System for more exploration finding new eastereggs and Etc.
  6. As some of us heard unity five got announced yesterday and it comes with alot more upgrades and improvments. Video> but what i want to know is how its gonna affect your experience in ksp.
  7. I think the asteroid will be a nice addition to the space center right next to the R&D.
  8. I build a rocket that has enough thrust to carry what i need to orbit efficiently and will attach any other parts if i need to go someplace far away.
  9. Well from what i read this is not going to multithread its gonna allow PHYSx to render the processes to the gpu but only to nivida gpus.
  10. I would rather have multicore threading right now for ksp which can put pyhsics on diffirent cores= less lag
  11. Sry but it is pretty much impossible to have an i7 running 5ghz without it overheating max is 4.8ghz
  12. Its were I plant the flags of every dead kerbal ;(. I hold a cermony there everytime one of them dies.
  13. You've set foot on Jool :0 may i bow down to you!
  14. that pretty much sums it up in the beginning of my .17 days
  15. Its underated thats all i got to say why i now go cry in a corner.
  16. With FAR i start at at about 1km and slowy start to pitch down to 45 and im usually at 45 degrees at around 15-25km depending on size of rocket because with FAR if you turn to quickly your rock will get caught by drag and flip out of control.
  17. Where do you think the asteroid belt being developed is going to be? I think in between dres and duna.Post your thoughts below
  18. Yes i know you can do that but im talking about actually seeing the planets in the sky having light reflect off of them. Kind of when you look at venus.
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