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    Curious George
  1. Another quick question, should I post everything concerning my mission here? or should I start a separate thread for my mission? I am really looking forward to this challenge! I have already started working on my component designs and mission planning. Mike
  2. I have been looking at this challenge and am starting to formulate my plan for doing this. I do have a question about the launch delays for booster construction/preparation. If I were to plan my first transfer to Duna for the 2nd launch window instead of the one at day 55, can I have my rockets built and therefore plan launches closer together. For example, if my launch vehicle can launch 20 tons, normally requiring 40 days between launches, but I will be heading to Duna on the 2nd hohman transfer window, in theory several rockets would have been built and therefore not need as much time between the launches. I can understand it takes time to assemble the final rocket pieces and move them to the launch pad so still can understand some time between the launches. Thoughts on this? My main reason for this approach is to not have too much hardware sitting in lko way before the departure window for Duna. My initial thoughts on the mission plan were to send a single vehicle to Duna for each mission which would contain the habitat, landers/ascent vehicles, supplies, etc, but will need multiple launches to assemble the final mission vehicle prior to departure.
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