I'm having a number of problems with the latest version of RT2 from page 142. Firstly, it seems that SAS is doing nothing at all. Turning it on and off doesn't seem to have any effect. Also, there is no pause menu when I hit Esc. It's just not there. Thirdly, there is no data showing up like speed. The last problem I ran into before I gave up for today was the orbital view was really messed up and didn't allow me to get back to the default view. Below is a imgur link to a couple screenshots I took to show the problems. Both are taken while the game is "paused" and you can see that there is no menu. http://imgur.com/0UCsmz6,NXmJfQ8#0 I'm not quite sure what logs, if any, to post, and I've never really posted logs before so let me know what would be helpful in fixing this.