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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks sal_vager! I also read your post here explaining what it is: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/103163-edge-highlighting-ppfx?p=1603268&viewfull=1#post1603268 PPFX edge highlighter enables the the highlighting (the red glow) of the parts itself.
  2. Which thread does this belond? Aye mate! You helped me narrow down the search, thanks. Still haven't found all of the answers yet, but that's where testing comes in. This games' difficult in that there's not many people that play it with all of these mods, not a lot of documentation on doing things online, and not a lot of straight answers either. But I guess that's why they call it space exploration.
  3. How do you use the antenna? So if I launch 2 satellites they can communicate with each other and KSC using just one omni on each sat correct? If I put 3 sats in a geostationary orbit around Kerbin, how many antenna and of what type does each sat need? I guess 1 large omni so the sats can comm with the adjacent sat (hopefully that's <2.5 Mm). 1 of the 25-degree cone antenna for communication with Kerbin or my probe on it's way to the Mun. So does that mean the probe also has to have a 25-degree cone antenna on it as well for bi-directional com? And if my sat in geostationary orbit directly over KSC (the sat that is always in com with KSC), what happens if my probe heading to the Mun has passed the omni range of 2.5Mm of that sat, I can't use the 25-degree cone antenna cause it's pointing at KSC, so do you select another sat from the network at that point? And my last question, if I select my Mun probe to connect to the 25-degree cone antenna, will that sat auto rotate using RCS or the inbuilt SAS to connect to my probe or does that antenna rotate? Thanks for any help, my name is confused.
  4. Say I wanted to land at KSC (or say the Badlands to do a surface sample) on a return trip from Minimus. For the life of me, I never know what to set my Kerbin Periapsis when burning retrograde at my Kerbin Apoapsis, and once I approach Kerbin, I don't know when to start buring retrograde because the Atmosphere/Drag slows me down so much it's almost useless to use a maneuver node. Sorry if this has been asked before, I saw a couple of tips, like setting my Kerbin Periapsis to 20km, and start burning retrograde as you approach Kerbin until your predicted orbit takes you past where you are trying to land to account for the atmosphere slowing you down. I still can't get it right.
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