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Everything posted by pincushionman

  1. The alignment thing aside, how far back are the surfaces from the CoM in reality? Surfaces too close have short moment arms, which is its own sort of trouble.
  2. Aww! That's old hat for us, right?
  3. Two words: Dry. Mass. Leaving aside the engine engineering problems mentioned by Coga19000 above, all hardware in KSP is ludicrously heavy compared to the nearest real-world counterpart. In Apollo, the fuel mass that needed for a direct mission was prohibitive; in KSP the hardware mass needed for a rondezvous mission is.
  4. As others have mentioned, you can leave Minmus' SoI pretty easy, but what counts is going retrograde wrt Minmus' orbit of Kerbin. So if you want to go straight up, wait until Kerbin is setting in the west, then launch straight up and go all out. The most efficient would be to launch with Kerbin directly overhead, turn east immediately, and burn out, going upward only enough to clear the mountains.
  5. Remember that the RAPIER is further down the tech tree. This is meaningless in Sandbox mode, but in Career and Science, it's a very real step up. There's nothing wrong with an option being objectively better in such a context.
  6. Terraria verify local cache in Steam. Don't know about the others, but some installers, if run again, have repair functions; try running them and see what options come up.
  7. Will do. I found it on the FAQ: I don't monetize, but it is still important proper attribution is given. I hope I did it right for both the referenced entities at the end of the video.
  8. Thanks. I did find the info I was looking for on KSP's website this morning. It's ready now. Enjoy, and don't blow yourselves up in real life tonight!
  9. I made a video using KSP to make a fireworks show to celebrate US Independence Day tomorrow (well, technically today, given the time right now...). I'm going to post it here for everyone to enjoy, but I was under the impression that videos using KSP were supposed to include some kind of disclaimer (e.g. "Kerbal Space Program, 2015 SQUAD, all rights reserved" or something like that), but I can't seem to find anything about it right now. Also, which forum would it be most appropriate to post it in? Thanks in advance for any pointers. I'll have it finished tomorrow morning US time. -PCM Here's a fireworks show I made in KSP 1.0.2 last night for you all. The rockets are Fleas with inward-pointing Separatrons to overheat and explode them just off the launch site. You can see the freed Separatrons cartwheeling through the air and exploding on the ground throughout the song. If anyone is interested, here are the .craft files for the firework stand and the firework subassemblies. As I said, this was done in 1.0.2. I believe the changes in 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 made it so the separatron overheating doesn't work anymore, so don't come back seeking support for that! There are 90 rockets on the stand, and it lagged my computer out, as might be apparent in the video. It is all stock, though. Happy Independence Day to all my fellow American players, and everyone else feel free to enjoy the show anyway!
  10. Oh, I'm aware of some of those, but right now they're not ready for prime time. I only brought it up at all to point out that if Pawelk's condition does turn into Type 2, it doesn't necessarily mean insulin injections, whereas a Type 1 diagnosis given right now is always going to be inject or pump, which is ultimately the same concept. - - - Updated - - - …and I misspoke. It's been closer to 20 years. My, time flies…when you're old.
  11. As is probably apparent already, there are two forms of diabetes: Type 1 ("juvenile onset"): Pancreas no longer produces insulin. Causes are still poorly understood, but probably autoimmune related. Only possible treatment is supplemental insulin. Type 2 ("adult onset"): your pancreas still produces insulin, but your tissues don't recognize it. Known to be caused by obesity, age, and genetics. Can be treated by better control of diet or by medication. May require supplemental insulin. I've had Type1 for the past ten years, so take what I have to say with a grain of salt. As others have said, avoid sugary foods and drinks. This isn't because refined or processed sugars (including HFCS) are particularly bad compared to other carb sources (despite what some may say) - it's because these sources tend to have lots of carbs, and you need to reduce your total carb intake. As you already recognize you struggle with obesity, you've already realized much of your current carbohydrate intake is unnecessary. It's not quite as simple as "cut sugar," though it may look like it - you still need a good balance of simple and complex sugars and starches. Simple sugars raise blood glucose more quickly, starches take longer. But starch still has a notable effect. Ultimately it all becomes glucose before it's used. Hopefully your health providers can refer a dietician; they would be more helpful than any of us in determining an appropriate diet for you. Note this is good advice for everyone, not just diabetics. One thing I can recommend for certain is to avoid between-meal snacks (particularly candy) and cut soda-pop, juice, or juice-like drinks out of your habits. Those are loaded with simple sugars, and it's a simple step to drastically reduce carb consumption. Note that most "diet" pops usually have no carbs of any kind. I'm willing to offer any further advice I can, but remember I'm coming from a Type 1 treatment background, and I don't have any experience (specifically) with the obesity. Good luck, and be open-minded. This will be a lifestyle change - either on your own terms now, or your body will force it on you later.
  12. You can still buy OEM copies an Newegg. Whether that's a good idea or not (the whole "updates" thing) is another issue.
  13. Does fredinno mean "use L2 as a relay point for a rover on the far side"?
  14. It should go like any other OS upgrade…which is to say it's tough to say. In the past I've had some upgrades go smooth as silk, and others have been a complete disaster. My suggestion is a good hard look at what you can't afford to lose, and some network storage of some kind.
  15. If it uses your last known acceleration and your current mass, that would explain why it seems to tick by more quickly toward the end of high-mass-fraction burns.
  16. Does it cause high-e 'roids to spawn, or are the orbits pretty circular?
  17. What exactly are you trying to do at the other end? Are you trying to attach the other end to cargo bay nodes as well?
  18. …Heh. He said "PC players" as if there were another category ready to play.
  19. Why do we assume this is a product-related announcement? All I see from them is "It's Asteroid Day, we're participating!" I'm hopeful for new info too, but I'm not seeing why we should read anything deeper than that. I've only seen the transcript from Squadcast, a Facebook post, and three tweets, and none of them mentioned anything about making an "announcement" of any kind.
  20. Have you not been reading the correspondence from the developers, particularly HarvesteR, regarding this exact thing? U5 transition is ongoing. Well, I might add. There are issues, though; some are inherent to the transiton process, some are because of kludges to U4 that need to be re-kludged for U5, and some are simply kludges to U4 where they need to go back and do it the right way. Other developers who've transitioned either didn't have as many hacks they need to make work, or they had better code to start with, or both.
  21. I do most of my browsing on my phone. I see the "report" button on posts, but I don't see a way to give rep.
  22. KSP is officially supported in 32-bit on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Modders should support all three of these platforms. KSP is officially supported in 64-bit on Linux. Modders should support this platform. KSP is officially not supported in 64-bit on Windows or Mac (somebody verify for me for Mac). Modders are under no obligation to support these platforms. Given the problems that occur due to the 64-bit hack, there is an argument to be made that the opposite should be expected - they should be doing what they can to de-incentivize the use of the hack. You are expecting modders to support that which the developers themselves have declared to be un-supportable. Don't do this. We can have the conversation again when the devs re-evaluate this completely relative to the Unity 5 release.
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