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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. In its current state KSP is worth every penny I paid for it. It gave me the most fun per dollar Of all games I bought and I bought a lot. So every update feels like a bonus for me, still im curious what the timeline for final product implementation is, 2015?
  2. Perfect, your reaction was lightspeeding fast!! Thanks, this will keep me occupied till new year
  3. Being new and all I wanted to get the bigger picture what KSP is developing into and I understand that at Kerbalkon there were statements made bij the developers about this. Now I tried to get this info but I failed, looked at youtube, this forum, google etc. Can someone point me in the general direction were to find this info or maby give a short list with the most important conclusions? Tnxs!
  4. No offence taken. I worked with people with addictions so I know it is no thing to joke lightly about. But I should have added a little winking smily to my original post. I just wanted to make the point that ksp is very very good!
  5. Thanks for the quick reactions, good to know I'm not the only one with an addiction problem ;-)
  6. Hello, I've been playing ksp on and off for the last few months. Every time I get in to it I notice how much the game "consumes" me. I cant think of anything else allday than my next mission. So as selfpreservation I delete the game only to reinstall after a couple of days. Does anyone experience the same behavior? But I do keep returning because of the ever improving gameplay, the great community and sheer depth of the possibilities the game offers. I do have one more question: I'm loving the carrier mode but do I loose my progress with the next update or is it possible to patch and keep my science points? I realize its still in beta but i was just wondering... Tnxs!
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