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Everything posted by Kerbastew

  1. Thanks Libra00 and the rest of you for all tips and tricks. I have no problem creating a rover with a broad wheelbase, the problem is getting it to the celestial body and to drop it from the lander. What I really miss in KSP (since I only do stock parts) is hydraulics, i.e., parts that can fold out, other than landing gear. If it was possible to put hinges and controlled hydraulics, you could fold your rover like an umbrella and after deployment have a large base and low Center of mass... For now Rovers kind of suck, but they look so cool
  2. Yup, I thought rovers would be cooler than they were. Hardly worth the time actually... The intent of the whole rover-debacle was: 1: Be better with angling stuff in VAB, i.e., be a better builder 2: Learn to build a heavy lifter 3: Do fun stuff with more parts, lights, beams etc. that I never had to use before 4: Learn how to build and steer an off-center-weight rocket The mission was to land a craft at the very edge of Far east crater and the canyon, drop the rover, move 2 kerbs in the lab and get Bill on top. Then exhaust the science in the crater, then simply drive into mordor, sorry, canyon and repeat all experiments in the new Biome. I failed so bad since the high center of gravity of the rover made all movement restricted to flat flat flat ground. And I needed to go uphill a LOT Also, first time I used the Lab. I realize that in that time it took me to land a lab, I could have landed 5-6 small landers and gotten the science back. All the time and work did not pay off since I could only get 25 % more science by using the lab. Am I using that thing wrong as well? Here it is, on the launchpad. http://postimg.org/image/9s26b1y3r/ Here it is, after the roll, only thing that broke was the solar panels. You can see Bill, stuck in his seat, but not in control.
  3. So, I buildt a Rover out of a Science lab. I thought it would be a good idea to roam around the biomes of mun and get some serious science made. I simply flipped a Science lab, attached wheels and some equipment. Bad Idea! It tipped going up a hill, but the thing is sturdy, rolled over once and stayed on the wheels. BUT: Now Bill is not in his seat anymore (he is clinging on for dear life next to it) and Bob and a 3rd Kerbal is stuck in the science lab. I can't exit the lab until I get control of the craft, I can't board until the craft stands still and right now it is rolling back and forth in this big crater like a skater gone wild. What to do? Wait a few years until the weak gravity finally stops the infernal thing?
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