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Everything posted by Erozz

  1. Thank you a lot for fast answers I dont know if I'm supposed to get all the addons work at the same time I'm trying at least. Got in game already! Edit: People who have this installed can you please send me a pic/list of your game data folder. I can't decide what add-ons I should have with this tree.
  2. If i want to remove any of these mods, which I should delete. I do not want to effect the tech tree experience too much?
  3. This will be awesome ! ! .... When i get it installed . I get stuck while loading modules at loading What mod /mods I should be removing first. I do not want to effect your tech tree much I already have low-res options installed and some RAM Active Memory Reduction Mod. Thank you a lot! I can't wait to get to play this campaign trough.
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