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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Here is a new file! It contains the corrected icons plus new default.lua-files (category;rule;fallback) Plus the mod.rule.lua files from my inital post. In order to copy the Icons folder into the same place, first delete the old Icons folder. You can unzip the file and copy all to your KSP/GameData folder. When asked confirm overriding old files. And here is the file. -Toerti P.S.: Don't forget to ctrl+click Autotag inside PartCatalog settings in order to recreate the tag-tree
  2. Thanks for pointing that out in detail. Will make it much easier for me to rename them. I will need to take a look into the default.lua files in order to name them correctly. Some icons are doubled as well to make them work with the default fallback in order to check for an existing icon by the part resource name. Some name the resource Xenon and some XenonGas for example.
  3. I am happy to see more people playing with the rule.lua files! If there will be more we might need an exchange thread of its own 😄
  4. For those of you,who requested a more stockalike style of the icons. I also added some new resource based Icons (especially inside the category storage; utility/generator and converter. Although I am not sure if we will ever see a mod who for example introduces neon or helium as a resource. The icons are there. I also wrote some new rule.lua files for the following mods: - AdvancedGenerators - AviationLights - NearFuture - KethanePack - MissionControl To get the latest version and insructions go to this post! Comments and suggestions are welcome! Toerti
  5. I am currently reworking the icons. I am adding some more part icons as well as tweeking the colors as suggested. The active one ones are now darker and the off states are still the same. I will provide a download for the new theme as soon as it is finished. I also changed a lot on the default.lua files and added some more 'mod'.rule.lua files. I will talk to BlackNecro regarding my changes inside the default.lua's if they will make it into the next RC. The 'mod'.rule.lua's will also be provided as downloads soon.
  6. Hi Arron Rift! What colors would you suggest for the icons? Stock alike colors would be black for off- and white for on-state. I think tht is pretty boring. In order to add new mod button icons you need to add them to the Icons/Mod folder inside partcatalog. You need to create two icons. One for the on- and one for the off-state. The name of the icons have to be: mod_On.png and mod_off.png where mod needs to be replaced by the real mod name. Toerti
  7. If you want you can use them in a next update as default category icons that come with PartCatalog. Toerti
  8. Finally I have finished the Icon Set for Part Catalog. Feedback and suggestions are welcome! (click to enlarge) Toerti
  9. Here's a new small preview on the icon set I am working on for the subcategories. As you can see, there's is still alot of work to do: Some categories are empty or missing I am also not yet happy with the jet-engine icon ... Any feedback and/or ideas are welcome. Toerti (click to enlarge)
  10. I am currently playing arround with PartCatalog, and I must say I really love it. Definatly a "MUST HAVE" for KSP. Thanks!!! While playing arround and reorganizing my categories/tags I also tried new icons for the subcategories/tags, and I am not sure if it is a "bug or a feature" but the icons do only show up in the "On"-state. The Off-state only works for the Company-Filter buttons. I would also love to see to have an option to change the margin.top. Cause when setting the Button width & height to a larger value then the default 37*26px inside config.xml I may need to readjust the margin.top to another value then the default 6px, in order to align with the text button. Toerti P.S.: Here is a small preview on the icons I am working on: These are icons for the category Pots>Manned, Pots>Unmanned, Pots>Seats
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