I am currently playing arround with PartCatalog, and I must say I really love it. Definatly a "MUST HAVE" for KSP. Thanks!!! While playing arround and reorganizing my categories/tags I also tried new icons for the subcategories/tags, and I am not sure if it is a "bug or a feature" but the icons do only show up in the "On"-state. The Off-state only works for the Company-Filter buttons. I would also love to see to have an option to change the margin.top. Cause when setting the Button width & height to a larger value then the default 37*26px inside config.xml I may need to readjust the margin.top to another value then the default 6px, in order to align with the text button. Toerti P.S.: Here is a small preview on the icons I am working on: These are icons for the category Pots>Manned, Pots>Unmanned, Pots>Seats