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Josh Hawley

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Posts posted by Josh Hawley

  1. Just in case you're refering to my ported code, go ahead. The code is released as Creative Common Attributions. As long as you keep a reference to me and Zitronen you're good to go.

    However be aware the UART code I used is released under GPL, this affects the licensing that you can put your port under (no commercial products, etc). Just so you know.

    Great! I'll post here when I get it working.

  2. Firstly, thank you for these great additions to an already fantastic mod. Together they make KSP really fun.

    I have a question regarding compact launching pads. I seem to have accidentally launched and landed it on the Mun with the one and only Jedediah K. hiding somewhere inside. If it were any other Kerbal I'd shrug and let it be, but I have to ask, is there a way to get him out? I've looked for hatches all over the thing (deployed and not) and can't see where exactly he's hiding in there! If not, no worries, and thanks again for the work here.

    Does the EVA button on his picture work?

  3. I'm having an issue with parts being duplicated in the VAB in the part selection section on the left side of the screen. There's 2 copies of the exact same part, only one is usable, the other says I must purchase it from the R&D building. Going to R&D and "buy" all the parts again doesn't fix it either. When I load a fresh save, the duplicates aren't in R&D until I go to the VAB. I've done a clean install of the mod and even started a new career mode and still get the error. It's obviously not game breaking but just annoying. Anyone seen this or know a quick fix? Thanks.

    Part duplications usually have to do with an improper install. There are twice as many files as there should be. Try deleting the mod and reinstalling it.

  4. You could use KAS struts, which are removable by Kerbals on EVA. Downside is you have to get a kerbal to link it all up before you launch, because you can't link the end points in the VAB.

    Or I think Quantum Struts could do it? I don't use them, though.

    I tried the KAS strut. It was like attaching a rubber band. It did basically nothing.

    I don't want to go the explosive strut route, because this vehicle is totally reusable. It lands, unfolds the pad, builds a base, and then takes off to build another base.

  5. It is still doing it for me

    Things I have tried:

    1. Removing all KAS parts from the launchpad before spawn (sometimes they cause weird movement issues when spawning) (exploded)

    2. Flying the launch pad up when spawning (this worked, but is really impractical with anything but tiny stuff)

    3. Undocking all the other parts of the station (on surface of ike) (exploded)

    4. Adding an extra part to be the root (structural girder) so that we don't care when it explodes. the rest of the craft is intact, but fixed in space in its location until reload when it is suddenly in orbit with NaN velocity...

    5. Different orientations of the part I am spawning as well as several other parts. (exploded)

    6. Adjusted the physics slider in settings to both ends. (both exploded)

    7. Removing Kerbal Joint Reinforcement (exploded)

    8. Completely recreating the part that I was trying to build in the VAB instead of the SPH. (exploded)

    Also, I noticed that whenever it loads my game in, all of the things on the surface of Ike are momentarily 10m above the surface, and then moved down quickly.

    At this point I am basically stuck with this save game until I can figure it out...

  6. Odd... I flew the pad up in the air 2 meters or so, spawned it, and a different part on my ship exploded. That part(lander can) was exactly in the same physical space that the pad would have spawned the pylon in. I reloaded and tried again, this time flying 20 meters in the air, and it spawned fine. Its like there is a spot 10 or so meters off the ground that explodes when I spawn stuff in it...

  7. Am I correct in thinking that there is no way to have vessel construction progress (or mine kethane and ore) unless the workshop (or drill) is in physics range?

    If so, would it be possible to support checking the time-since-last-load upon loading the vessel, and update work accordingly?

    +1 for this. something similar to how TAC Life Support calculates the timespan from the last time the vessel was loaded, and then updates its resources accordingly.

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