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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Un grand merci àvous pour ces travaux offerts àla communauté!
  2. This is.... well there's no word for it. Thank You BobCat !
  3. In spite of the pure excitement this mod brings in the game, I do tend to find quite hard to properly use all the features. Scanning is okay, but once you've started mining, I do find it very complicated to understand how it works... By reading previous pages on this thread, it seems I am not the only one, perhaps some sort of a user guide that sums up pretty briefly how it works from one end to the other (scanning, mining, converting, ...). What do you think?
  4. I did indeed, but thus far the tech tree doesn't seem to enable it at the moment. Moreover, I haven't checked the zip file content, I'd rather enjoy the surprise of discovering instead Sorry if this was inappropriate,
  5. Are you referring to the Space factory thread? Can't seem to find it
  6. Indeed, KSP 0.23 release and the end-year celebrations is no good time to make any progress on such things. I admit though I can't wait to get hands on what Bobcat is being working on... looks definitely tremendous!
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