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Everything posted by FiesesAlien

  1. Heyho. I also see Easy/Normal/Hard just as "Not really Grindy" "Not so Grindy" "Very Grindy". Iam a not so expierienced player but i think i should start a career with exactly adjustements (aka Custom Difficulty) how i want it. BUT! I like Career Mode a lot, its just a thing to watch a bit out for your resources and yes i use the Science-OP-Strategy because all other Strategys are ... giving ... absolutely ... nothing ... mean... what the heck? =) Lets see the future of Carreer Mode Iam loking forward to! (Freedom! lalalala la la la!) Stay crunchy and have sweet holidays.
  2. Hey. As soon i saw that "Outsourcing R&D"-Thing i thought to myself "Well... Satellites are now very... very... awesome!" And so i shoot up a few Satellites and unlocked every Science-Project on my Medium-Carreer till to that point all 90's are done. Now i need money for upgrading R&D Lab =) And guess what, i will still shoot Satellites up in the oribt. I think the outsourcing needs a small fix from about 20% less Science. Stay crunchy.
  3. Hey. With the "vanilla" KSP you can reach every planet but there are no warp-drives beside of modifications. If you like 'simulation'-Games and want to have your own Space Program, KSP is a okay game, i mean, i dont like it much... played it only 190 hours. Fun aside, i love KSP, the way it works with its own "not like the real world but as near as possible"-physics, the way you can improve your own Space Agency/Space Program. No other Game has so deep Mechanics and such a big community to double the fun. Just look into the Mod-Section! If you play around 30 hours Vanilla-Kerbal, mods can triple, quadruple and even more this playtime. If youre not so familiar with Simulation-Games and just want Action and pre-made Stuff, KSP is not so the game youre looking for. So, maybe just watch some Lets Plays with Stock-KSP or Vanilla-KSP, as we say in german "make your own picture" (form your own opinion) Hope i could help a bit. Stay crunchy.
  4. You know youve played too much KSP when you are on the ladder and wait till Spacebar is pressed.
  5. Hey, thx for the help. Yes, i had only 1 Module Manager dll and it was the 2.5.1 so far. I think it was some of the mods that didnt want to work with each other. So i have a brand new install, again with a lot of mods but they work (Tested Mod after Mod and i use now Karbonite instead of Kethane because of the thing i always found annoying: "Which techtree in r&d lab?" and this seems not working at all if you have lot of parts-mods). B9 also had a horrible amount of issues: Every part now was doubled... Also in the Moment i have 2 dll: 2.3.5 and 2.5.1, seems to have no issues. In Version 0.24 i had also 6 dlls and it worked. Think just the newest will be working when the game starts (maybe its a intern check or something like that?). This time not so detailed but thats the Mods currently working: - Deadly Reentry (Lost now 3 Kerbals... poor guys...) - EngineerRedux (Without that i woudnt even reach the Moon ^^) - FAR (Well.. the dV-Tables completely wrong now but its okay ^^) - Karbonite - FTT - KAS - Kerbal Joint Reinforcements - KW Rocketry - Modular Rocket Systems (Part Pack) - Station Science - Tac Life Support - Toolbar - VNG Parachute - Active Texture Management (Basic Version this time, not the aggressive one) So, those all working absolutely perfect. Newest Version of all and only MechJeb will joining the Family. So everything works now, i also tried to fix the other mod-pack i installed but too much back-tracking and testing so i decided to go with my standard-one Also i did the installation by hand again. But the Program works too (does the same like i do). Big THX for the help guys! Now i will discover the Mün again! Stay crunchy.
  6. Hey. I rised now from the bed and will start to work on KSP-Mods. Yeah, the ModProgram installed it the same way i do. It just keeps the downloaded-files on one place and let me see if there are any compatibility problems. But i will reinstall everything again without the tool and switch back to TAC-Life Support (I oversaw that the LS wasnt the one i use normally ^^) @Jashin Is Kethane & Karbonite the "same" in things like "making fuel" and stuff? I never gone so far that i had to use that. @NathanKell Uploaded the log file also on dropbox (what is wrong with the other one? Just the same ^^) Thx for your help! Glad iam not alone when i start to try to solve the problem(s) I hate it beeing alone. Stay crunchy.
  7. Hey. So i tried to reinstall everything from 0 on and it seems it doesnt work. Same like before. I will start to switch off single mods one for one to see which one is causing problems or i will just take the 0.24 List from Scott Manley because those Mods worked just fine Maybe most of them are 0.25 ready. But if someone has the answer for me, just tell me Stay crunchy.
  8. Okay, ive read some of the articles but atm iam too tired, i will try to self-help me tomorrow afternoon, maybe i'll find the error by myself ^^ But ksp seems to hate me when it comes down to modding (Skyrim loves me, ksp not ). Thanks @ NathanKell for moving the Thread and giving me some hints. Stay crunchy.
  9. Hey. Normally i would just copy the mods of my favorite KSP-Youtuber (You know the one ) but hes still on 0.24 and iam on 0.25 :/ So i just tryd to mod by myself and i think... iam too dumb? I mean, i can mod skyrim in over 14 hours to a point that it looks like a 2014-Game but... KSP? Problems: 1.) Wen i research at the Tree, the Tree wont update, i need to get off the R&D-Centre and go in again, and then it updates the list. 2.) It seems Ferram isnt working? 3.) It seems Deadly Reentry isnt working as intendet (at 3km i opend the Chutes. They burned... what?! Jeb is dead... Poor Guy...) 4.) It seems the Life-Support installed wont work 5.) It seems MechJeb wont work 6.) It seems Kethane wont work as intended. Mods installed/used: - [Part] [0.25] KW Rocketry v2.6d2 - [Plugin] [0.25.0] Toolbar 1.7.7 - [Plugin] [0.25.x] Wenkel Corporation - RealChute Parachute Systems v1.2.5.3 - [Plugin] [0.25] Deadly Reentry v6.2.1 - [Plugin] [0.25] Ferram Aerospace Research: v0.14.3.2 - [Plugin] [0.25] Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.4.9 - [Plugin] [0.25] Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v2.4.4 - [Plugin] [0.25] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - [Plugin] [0.25] TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (v1.44) - [Plugin] [0.25] [Release 3-8] [Oct 16, 2014] Active Texture Management - Save RAM! - [Plugin] [0.25] KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13 - [Plugin] [0.25] Vanguard Technologies | EVA parachutes | .23! .24! .25! - [Plugin] [Part, 0.25] Anatid Robotics / MuMech - Mechjeb - Autopilot - v2.4.0 - [Plugin] [Plugin] [Part] [Release] [.25.0] Interstellar Flight Inc. - Kerbal Life Support Mod - [Plugin] Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - B9_Aerospace_Pack-r5.2.6 Picture: Log-File - Download: http://filehorst.de/d/bJvuykEJ (That is from "KSP_Data", is that the right one?) Log-File - Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1m9o8fu4edip5n6/output_log.txt?dl=0 My System: - Windows 7 64 - 18 GB Ram - ATI Radeon HD (with a cool number yeah ^^ A old one) - Starting KSP NOT in 64 (Just the 32-One because i was told so) - Everything updated and works as intended (Windows Updates, Steam, Direct X etc.) Dont think that the System-Informations are needed but in case i posted a few of them. So, is there a special Installation-Order? Or even a Modpack? Or... a way to do it "For Dummies..."? Or is there even a Way "KSP Modding for Dummies"? Because i think i made somewhere a mistake (Add Link, Install, Add Link, Install). Used the KSP Mod Admin and used on all Yellow-Mods "Solve Problem". Would be nice if someone knows what to do. You can also yell at me if thats helps ^^ THX! And stay crunchy.
  10. Thx @ Taki117. With the 20 degree Nose-Setting iam now in space with my ssto! Also i have roughly 105 dV over to descent back and landing is no problem for me (iam better at landing jets then at anyhting else). Thx.
  11. I have a similar Question but with Ferram Aerospace Mod. I tryd to build a ssto like Scott Manley did () but i crash all the time after iam in the air over 10km -> 20km. My ascend is 45 degree up to 10km, then trying to be around 5 degree to mach 1,5 and around 20km. Mostly i ended up with mach 3 - 4 and bursting into parts. When i try to hold mach 1,5 i start to descent again. And when i finally try to go to 90° and fire the rocket-engine (rapier-engine) 100% of the time i crash. And even watching scott manley doesnt gave me the clou (he does it so fast, the tutorials all are freakin' old and only stock-kerbal... i hate stock-kerbal, ive done everything there, i dont wanna play stock kerbal...) The Picture is my attemp number 30 to build a ssto-plane. Heeeelp
  12. Hey, through the Tables Tortoise postet i could now design perfect rockets! Every mission to minmar was a huge success, even to the mun now! The huge Problem is that i didnt know which words to use to find such a table with everything to know. Now i can playn perfectly to get into orbit, transfer to a moon, make my mission there AND get back! Well, one of my two minmus lander didnt had enough dV for the full way but i could use the atmosphere to break too =) Thats now soooooo freakin' awesome! Over 147 hours spend now in KSP! And the next 147 hours are coming! Guys, without you i still would have this issue/problem! You're great! THX THX THX THX! THX ALOT! Now with Docking Ports unlocked i will never have problems because i will have a transfer rocket and a seperate lander. Oh man, the game is now much more awesome since i dont have to "cheat" to get the last 500 - 800 dV to get back! Stay crunchy.
  13. THAT PICTURE! Oh my holy mother nature! That map is special designed for me ^^ That, in first place, helps me now a lot without to remember "how much fuel did it take again last time i visited Mun???" thank you. Now my Problem is a lot smaller. KES, i dont know what it does and the only numbers i know are m/s and delta-v (or dV). Last time i saw KES there where so much numbers i couldnt figure out what to watch for. But i will try again (with some of the tutorials i barely understand what they try to tell me). Maybe someone of you also has a kes-tutorial for total-newbies? Or someone to tell me how much m/s i need per ton to get out of the influence of the atmosphere because i wanna soon build my very first station-parts around mun-orbit with kethane-sattellites. Stay crunchy.
  14. Hey. Thanks for the answer so far. The Problem i have is that i dont know how to build a efficient rocket. In Stock-Kerbal i dont have any problems. But since i use FAS i barely can make it back to earth, extremely often i dont come back from Mun. Getting there is absolutely no problem but getting home... well... My basic Lander is the 3-Man Kapsule with a tank that holds 1660 m/s. I have 4 stock-Rockomax Mark 55 Radial Mount Liquid Engine. Landing = No Problem. Getting Back into Mun-Orbit = No Problem. Transfer back to Kerbin = No Problem. But then iam out of all delta-v, often i have around 30 - 40 m/s but thats not enough to enter a low-orbit to slow down and then re-enter the atmosphere at 30/32 km. Stay crunchy.
  15. Hello Kerbalnauts! As a Alien it is not natural that i fly things into space, mostly i infest species to grow the hive... But back to the game: Well, i can manage everything, from start to flying to planets, land there safely and get back. Well... back... uhm, lets say that i really could need help so i dont need to alt+f12... shame on me! But with all the science and "this complex delta-v thingie! plus that, and this, and here on the paper, then you ...."-"guides" i dont get along. I need it more like "okay, this is a button. You klick on this button and now the game starts. Hover your mouse now over this" in short: ferram for the total newbie. I use the mod-pack (or better: all the mods, not as a pack) from interstellar quest from my favorite ksp-player and try to do how he does it. Not so easy as i though. Here is the thing i know: When i need 800 m/s in space, and my rocket has 1600 delta-v over, i will have after the burn 800 delta-v to spare. Since i want now to lean back and let mechjeb do the ascend i see that: "Ascending -> Small leans ( i configured it a bit) towards the side -> you're in space! YAY!". And that is good but... I still cannot design rockets in ferram (FAS) because i dont know which booster (that thing below the rocket, not the boosters itself) when to use. So, if someone has a bit time over... can you make me a tutorial as easy that a 12 year old can understand? Well, if you would use crayons for fun, you can do But keep the mathematics extremely low! If i need to count objects you can be sure i will misscount 10 out of 10! Iam really, really bad at math. Hope you all know what ive tried to explain you. But for short: I suck at playing with modifications but i want to! Stay crunchy.
  16. Heyho. So far the mod is superb but for me it has one giant flaw: Electricity. Why the heck does the standard-capsule has only 20 Minutes of Electricity? WHAT?! Food and Water lasting a DAY! A damn whole day! Even Oxygen... 30 Days without Food is okay as a base value. Without water 3 days is also ocay but the depletion of Electricity is so extremely high that i need over 30 Batterys to have at least 1 orbital flight! Thats not okay, well so far i can add other numbers, so thats okay for now. But as a standard 20 minutes... Thats the start and then orbital-maneuver, not even the landing... Uhm, the max time with oxigen should be 3 - 6 minutes, not 3 days. So far: The Mod is GREAT! I like it! Cant play without. Stay crunchy.
  17. Wayland Corp?! What?! My fellow Xenomorphs gather 'round and lets infest all those Contraptions! Nice work, will give it a try next restart of career-mode. Looks awesome! Stay crunchy.
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