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Posts posted by Philpax

  1. I\'m loving the flight stabilisation system; it\'s made my long flights much more bearable. This would probably be a lot of work, but is it possible to add a feature to fly towards a target? I\'ve been trying to mount rescue missions for my lost probes and whatnot, and it\'d make that quite a lot easier.

  2. Eeeeh ... Dolkramp ... are you serious about that stroke? If so, open the the spoiler at your own risk!

    Place a MechJeb AR202 case on the required parts which you want to follow detached. After detaching toggle the Orbital map. Double click on the detached parts to switch to that 'vessel'. All camera\'s on the detached part are now usable until the detached part crashes unto the surface.

    Doesn\'t work when in atmosphere :(

  3. @ TOAST: Sounds like you only installed the Aerospace pack and forgot the robotics one, they are two separate things you know.

    @ colmo: I\'d appreciate a sketch of some kind since I\'m not sure what you mean.

    I think colmo wants something like this:


    Apologies for the quick Paint diagram, but you can see the general idea.

  4. Hi Romfarer, I thought of another feature :)

    I have been using your target camera to see around my rockets and planes while in flight, ground and sky don\'t show very well, the water and KSC are fine though.

    Anyway I thought it\'d be cool if the camera had a light amplification mode for night flying, as when it\'s night on Kerbin it\'s very hard to fly, even with Alexander.O\'s floodlights.

    It\'s a feature that would fit well with the Lazor I think, and would be invaluable for night side Mun landings too where it\'s hellishly dark.

    Something else though, I cant find the range meter feature on the control panel anymore, if I wanted to find the distance to where the Lazor has hit how do I do it now?

    Isn\'t it the green lazor? Granted, the range seems to be limited to 2.5km.

  5. 097AC25701DE9B63F0EB764EC170FFC43FAEF7B8

    :D After doing some extensive reconfiguration to balance it out, I now have a working VTOL plane with lasers on it. This addon is awesome! I already went on garbage duty with my old prototypes. I recommend you add some more instructions to the OP, though - it took me a while to understand how to use it (including the time spent reading through the thread.)

  6. So I decided to try this out; it looked very cool, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn\'t get the lazors on top of the crystals; it\'s a shame, I was looking forward to remotely detonating my horrible failures glorious planes that landed early. Are there any suggestions for trying to set it up properly?

  7. I\'m working on a test plugin that has me launch a ship with my part on it into orbit; afterwards, I switch to another ship and launch it so its trajectory intersects with the part-ship. I\'m trying to make something happen when my ship is within a certain distance of my part-ship, but it appears that onActiveUpdate is not run for inactive ships (in hindsight, this should be pretty obvious...) Is there a way to have a part that\'s not in active control still run code?

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