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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Vielen Dank und auch dir ein frohes neues Jahr 2015! Schön, wieder Neues von dir zu lesen und zu sehen.
  2. Vielen Dank für die Videos, für mich die bisher informativste Einführung in das Thema Spaceplanes!
  3. Hochinteressante Mission und ein tolles Video!
  4. Auch mir gefallen die Videos sehr gut! Ich freue mich schon auf die nächsten.
  5. Oh, I wasn't aware of that because I only remove debris after completing my mission and recovering my main vessel.
  6. For removing debris I simply use the Tracking Station. At the top of the screen I filter out the debris and either terminate (destroy) or recover the part.
  7. That's hilarious. I feel the urge to let my Bob try it as well.
  8. 4players.de hat ein Preview von Kerbal Space Program veröffentlicht. Sie schätzen das Hit-Potenzial, sicher nicht überraschend für uns, als "sehr gut" ein.
  9. A few minutes before reentry into Kerbin's atmosphere. Best viewed with the beginning of "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" by Richard Strauss as background music.
  10. Finally finished surveying all biomes on Minmus. Henemone Kerman enjoyed the view of the rising sun in the Highlands.
  11. Congratulations on your successful mission to the mun! Impressive journal, thank you for sharing your experiences with us.
  12. This picture was taken on a science mission to Kerbin's Ice Cap. Thompoly Kerman's smile appears to be a little bit frozen, probably he forgot to put on his warm underwear.
  13. adson

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year! My resolution for 2014 is to achieve successful interplanetary travel to Duna, Eve and beyond. But before this I have to improve my rocket designs.
  14. Hello, fellow KSP fans, after several months of passive reading I finally registered on this forum. Until today I logged 70+ hours on steam with KSP plus uncounted playtime hours during the pre-steam phase. Since I was a child I took great interest in astronomy and spaceflight, especially in the Apollo project. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I watched the live footage of the first lunar landing 1969 as a toddler from my playpen. In this forum I already found many helpful tips for my gameplay, thank you for this. adson
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