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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Well, there is a tutorial on how to set up the IDE you want to use: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Plugins i.e., I used visual studio, so I just followed the directions in the ksp-wiki to set up visual studio for ksp and imported the c#-files of this mod. Then you just let it compile, check the errors and try to figure out why it did not compile. Once you get to a point where it does compile, you can add debug messages to be printed to the ksp console.
  2. Well, I am most doubtful that this would actually work - and even if it would work, the way I understood KMP works is that it just spawns other players vehicles into your KSP, so if you would replace a stock part with a welded one, others would still just see the stock part in that place, without all the welded on parts (and that would most likely look pretty weird!). Regarding the exchangeability between players: It would make much more sense if KMP would only exchange parts and such, but no dlls. To use mods that require dlls, KMP should just require all these dlls to be present on the server already.
  3. Check if the Mods you are trying to get to work are actually compiled for the KSP-version you are running (i.e. mods that weren't compiled for 0.23 are not guaranteed to actually work with 0.23). Check the Threads regarding the mods you want to get to work to see if there is a version that is compiled for 0.23 (there is this unofficial compilation of the welding tool for example). Alternatively, if you have the sourcecode for the Mod you are trying to get to work, you could always try to compile it with the 0.23-KSP-files, but that is not guaranteed to work without maybe having to modify the sourcecode of that mods a little bit to adjust it to the changes in the newest version!
  4. Interesting. A few years ago at least, that site was pretty decent (offered good download speeds, little to no waiting time and did not bother you with anything, at least as long as you had an adblocker installed), so that's why i chost it. But maybe it changed over time. Considering that I do not have a dropbox and cannot think of any decent hoster that wouldn't bother you to much, I just put it here: www.wh2.tu-dresden.de/~locutus/UbioWeldingLtd.zip -- should have thought of that one in the first place, actually!
  5. So I ran across this mod and wanted to put it to good use, but also got the problem that it did not work in .23 Hence I tried to recompile it in Visual Studio 2012 - but just recompiling won't do the job since the compiler throws 4 errors: Three of them were related to the functions: EditorLogic.fetch.Unlock and EditorLogic.fetch.Lock the error was pretty simple: It just missed an argument regarding the lock-label, so I just added a string like ""lockcodeforthewelding" to the passed parameters. The second error regards the foreach (GameObject gobj in fx.fxEmitters)-part of the weldthispart-function - aparently, there are no GameObjects in fxEmitters anymore (that or I am terribly bad in tracing the code). I circumvented this by just commenting out the foreach and adding a GameObject gobj = newpart.gameObject; instead. This way, everything compiled. It also started with KSP. I even have the Welding-Button in the VAB! But: When I drag an assembly onto the Button, it seems like a windows opens that just is not drawn? I cannot click or work on my assembly at all, but there is nothing to close either. Some investigation turned out that the foreach-function just could not be fixed as easy as I expected. So I just commented out the whole foreach-part - it only adds graphic effects like smoke to stuff like engines, right? (RIGHT?) - and after another compilation, I got a dll that actually worked in KSP! If someone should be interested in this DLL, here's a download-link: http://www.wh2.tu-dresden.de/~locutus/UbioWeldingLtd.zip (I hope the original author will come up with a better fix that will also include the FX-part pretty soon, though)
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