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Everything posted by Goobley

  1. Hey there, I've been using this mod for a while and I really enjoy it. So thanks . When I installed HotRockets today I noticed that the afterburners no longer work. From a bit of poking around this appears to be due to the way HotRockets/Smokescreen change the engine particle effects. I haven't had time to have an in-depth look at the Lazor System source code yet - I've briefly looked over the CFG_yellow file, but I can't quite tell at first glance how it can tell if the yellow particles intersect with the exhaust particles (need to look into how KSP handles these things). If anyone knows with a good handle on the source could briefly explain to me how the intersection between the yellow stuff and exhaust is handled I'd be grateful (I'm a fairly proficient coder but have never attempted to build a KSP mod, or done much C# for that matter :/). I'll probably pop over to smokescreen tomorrow to see if I can see how that handles its particles. Thanks again for the cool mod - it's definitely in my stock list now, Cheers, Goobley
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