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  1. You can only control one vessel at a time, all other vessels outside the physics range of the active vessel (25km I think) are put "on rails". This means that their trajectory is fixed on a pre-calculated orbit. There are no physics calculations done on them, therefore they can't execute a burn at some future time. If a vessel is outside the physics range, and inside the atmosphere, it is assumed to crash or burn up and is destroyed. This will be what you are experiencing, while you're controlling the satellite the launcher gets >25km away and enters the atmosphere (70km). Maybe what you can do is raise the Ap of the satellite to say 150km to give you time to fly the launch vehicle all the way back to land, and then switch back to the satellite in time to circularize it.
  2. This seems to be the problem. You're talking nonsense. But seriously, if you're running windows you could use OneDrive or something similiar and make a symbolic link in your KSP folder to your Saves folder in OneDrive. This way the actual save files are stored in the sync folders for OneDrive, but KSP when it looks in it's Saves folder it gets automatically redirected to the real location. Here's a link explaining how to set it up: http://www.howtogeek.com/174765/how-to-sync-any-folder-with-skydrive-on-windows-8.1/ The instructions aren't specific to windows 8.1, they should work on earlier versions too.
  3. It will be because there isn't enough mass at the top of the rocket. I imagine by about 15km you have emptied the top 1 maybe 2 fuel tanks. This means your center of mass gets lower and lower until it causes the rocket to flip over. This is why changing to the command pod fixes it, because that adds enough mass right at the top to compensate. Perhaps you could add another stage, or add more fuel to the payload. Also bigger/more fins as low as you can get them will help.
  4. The drill can extend quite deep into the surface without causing a collision. You don't need to line the tip of it up with the surface.
  5. That all sounds correct. The augers have no animation, but will work just fine as long as the tips are below the surface. The kethane drills are only supposed to drill for kethane. It is possible to mod the config files for them to drill ore also if you want. Best still is to use BahamutoD's drills - there's a link on the first post.
  6. I've just had a better look, and there is an updated tree.cfg in the GameData\WarpPlugin folder (should have come with the mod). Try copying that to your save folder, and make sure there isn't a notree.cfg file.
  7. In the Kethane\Resources folder there is a kethane.cfg file which has these two lines you will want to tweak: ColorFull = 0.08235294, 0.6901961, 0.1019608 ColorEmpty = 0.1858824, 0.3105883, 0.1929412 I assume they are red, green, blue values between 0 and 1.
  8. You can download it from the server with this link: http://www.kspmodders.com/treeedit/backend.php?op=treeload&id=15 Just save it as tree.cfg
  9. Sounds like it might need a redo. Maybe you can get them to touch the ground by retracting the landing gear, but I wouldn't recommend leaving it like that long term. That tends to result in exploding ships when it loads the physics.
  10. That sounds like the problem. The augers do need to be below the surface. They don't have collision meshes, so it is quite safe for them.
  11. What's happening is that all the locks are cleared when the program finishes running, so what's happening is you lock the throttle to 1, stage, and then immediately reset the throttle to 0. The trick is to stop the program from ending by putting in a loop. It doesn't need to do anything necessarily, but normally you would put the bulk of your logic in there. A simple UNTIL 1=0 { ... } should do the trick.
  12. It's running fine for me on Looks like you must have some other issue. Perhaps you're running out of memory?
  13. Removing this fixed a different problem for me. When I tried to release a ship containing the 3D printer from the orbital dock it would stop doing things like switching vessel, quicksave/load, return to space center, flight controls. I was getting a Null Reference Exception, but I don't know who (KSP or a mod) was reporting that.
  14. I was also having this problem, but I have now fixed it. I had BahamutoD's parts and was trying to build a vessel containing the 3D printer. Someone else was having a different problem with these parts which was traced back to the animation module. When I removed this from my craft file, it worked fine.
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