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  1. Thank you so much that worked like a charm! It was really getting on my nerves having to go to the tracking station just to switch a craft.
  2. Basically I created a small space craft with a docking port attached and saved it in the sub-assembly loader. Now I have a craft that is supposed to take 4 of them up to orbit via a HubMax Multi-Point connector (obviously with 4 docking ports on it). But my problem is that all 4 of the crafts have their thrusters and such in the 0 stage and I don't want them there. I also have a problem with assuming control of the decoupled craft: I tried using "control from here" on the docking port and on the actual MkI Lander Can (with a kerbal inside) but it doesent give me control of the craft. It still leaves me with the main ship (which is controlled by a stayputnik, the main ship is unmanned). I'm sorry if I typed a lot, I just wanted to give as much info as possible.
  3. Here is my rover. "Heavy 212" (It's a Battlefield 3 reference ) Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o45y9hhx3v8vuhk/Heavy%20212%20Land-Only.craft
  4. Hi, my name (on the internet) is Yume and I make KSP machinima! Unfortunately my videos are being held hostage on a notebook with no USB ports and an incompatible Wi-Fi card (I hate you broadcom, for not supporting Linux...) But anyway I love KSP and this forum seems like a really fun place!
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