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Everything posted by Yhoko

  1. How can you make a part always "on"? Like always rotating or always going up/down?
  2. Maybe it's a physics engine problem? Try adding a strout to each wobbly part.
  3. In some booster description the burning time is specified for 100% as well as 50% power. But boosters don't seem to be controllable so how can I specify the output power?
  4. Hi, my game crashes nearly each time when I try to launch a rocket OR go back to the assembly building. Is this a known problem / any solutions?
  5. Hey everyone, Situation I'm missing a sandbox mode to test out rovers/aircrafts in other environments than Kerbin. Suggestion Add another building named holodeck/holosuite/simulator and the corresponding option in the assembly building. Before running the test the user can either choose a planet from the list or (for funnier experiments) specify a custom size/mass/atmosphere/texture/displacement map. The game then creates or loads a planet with the chosen settings and places the vehicle. No other planets are required in this mode. In career mode I suggest starting with only Kerbin/Mün as possible testing areas. New planets and moons would be added as the player visits/approaches/analyzes them as part of the game. Since it's for testing only there could also be a "holo-like" texturing. Thanks, Yhoko
  6. Playing... * KSP * FTL * Skyrim * Fallout 3 * Minecraft Hoping for... * more/better KSP * Endyr (actually my own game) * Enderal * GTA 5 (PC)
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