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Everything posted by RRG

  1. If a good resource mod comes out I will, otherwise I might wait for multiplayer.
  2. I thought the whole point of resources was so that you could refuel around the Kerbol System. The only uses I see for ore are to build stuff on site (Bases, Rockets) and something connected to the contracts system. But if only one resource is coming in 1.0 I would prefer Water.
  3. At least on the tropics, ethanol from sugar cane could be an alternative to oil. And it should also be relatively easy to fix harvesting machines and convert them to run with ethanol, if they don't already.
  4. We should definately begin with a LEO probe, possibly with an engine,to keep it in orbit for as long as possible, get some experience, and perhaps even rendezvous with a retired satellite to take some pictures.
  5. But it wouldn't have enough TWR. A BRIFT-7 has a 11mN of Thrust (BRIFT-3 has 1.6mN). With a TWR barely above 1 the Cubesat's mass would need to be less than 2kgs, wich would be impratical, unless we had a rocket to get it out of the ground.
  6. We could put a laser and sensor to analyze the surface of Phobos, especialy if we had enought TWR and dV to fly the CubeSat Around.
  7. There is still the problem of the engine ISP and fuel fraction. For dV=1500m/s and 1/2 Cubesat's mass of fuel: Isp=220, but to get this mass fraction we would probably need a 3U or 6U Cubesat, wich would need a lot of funds but it would be easier than reducing the fuel mass fraction. For dV=1500m/s and 1/3 Cubesat's mass of fuel: Isp=370, wich migh be easy to do in a 3U but would need too high an Isp. So to escape Earth's SOI we would either need a very good (and, I imagine, heavy) liquid fuel engine, or an Ion engine.
  8. Phobos is a good idea, but what could we do there with a cubesat beyond landing? And how exactly would we get there?
  9. So, how long would a "perfect" gene pool last in a trip that would take thousands of years? Probably not much, even without cosmic rays and radiation. So it might be better to just exclude genetic conditions that wouldn't allow those that have it to complete the mission. And with time genetic engineering could take care of any remaining problems.
  10. Yes. I wanted to see how much mass I could send to Kerbin from Minmus (less than 0.7tons by my calculations).
  11. Landed my first return cannon on Minmus.
  12. You used the area equation instead of the volume equation. Area=4(pi)R² Volume=4/3(pi)R³ So: a=MG/r² a=vdG/r² v=ar²/dG v=4/3*pi*r³=ar²/dG r=((3/4)*a)/(dG*pi) a=Acceleration due to gravity M=Mass r=Radius d=Density G=Gravitational constant
  13. If you are going to do a life support experiment you might want to use only one or two different species of insects with a few of each in different containers so that you would know what is the least they need to survive instead of doing as much as you can for them to survive without knowing why they lived, since the conditions for them would be the same as those on the ground. About what you could use to store them, a very Low Tech container, like a few very small PET bottles bundled together, which might survive the low pressure and fall but would probably let radiation in, but Aluminium foil might protect them from the UV, you would just need to make it air tight, and make sure they have enough air for the trip.
  14. Fullmetal Alchemist, it has the fantasy part and a lot of science. And Babylon 5 had the Technomages, which could summon dragons.
  15. More boosters, and a few LV-N engines for after you left the atmosphere, it would be better if you could use LV-Ns of the ship you want in orbit (if it has them).
  16. You could put one solar shield/mirror (or a lot of smaller ones) at an inclined and eccentric orbit at aboutut 36.000km above the surface (1 earth day orbit) so that it would block the sun light when between Venus and the Sun and reflect light on the back of the planet when passing behind it. It would be either day or night on the entire planet, but it might be better than a 116 Earth days day.
  17. People might be living alongside robots for so long that when they become self aware there might not be much of a shcok or violence against them, unless the AI robots become agressive first.
  18. What could be done is to test people's genetics at birth begining some 30 years before launching the ship. Millions could be selected and they would go to schools that would train them for the journey, but since only some would be able to go, a lottery would be used to choose between the graduated and the ones still on school.
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