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Everything posted by Drakko

  1. I don't know how to use "and/or use the -force-opengl suffix" as you described earlier, will try the other advice you gave though.
  2. Game didn't use to crash here in .24 using the same mods, I've completely uninstalled and reinstalled the game, downloaded new mods but never even get it to load to reach any new/saved campaigns. Here are my computer specs: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Intel Core i7-2700k 3.50GHz 12GB Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650Ti 4gb RAM (3 monitors) Here are the mods I'm using Chatterer .7.1 Deadly Reentry 6.2.1 Docking Alignment 4.0 Engineer Redux .6.2.11 Enhanced NavBall 1.3.3 Ferram Aerospace .14.3.2 Infernal Robotics .19.2 KAS .4.9 Alarm Clock Kethane .9.2 KSP Interstellar .13 KW Rockets 2.6d2 Remote Tech 1.5.1 Station Science 1.3.1 TAC Fuel Balancer TAC Life Support .10.1.13 Toolbar 1.7.7 Trajectories .4.1 Active Texture management x64 release-basic The copy of the most recent crash folder is linked https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bxik2hdKlwJjZ0ZJdVQxamNMU3c&usp=sharing
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