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  1. add some farms to grow food and oxygen this would require water in different sizes, water drills to pump water to fill water tanks and oxygen generators you could ask the creators of kas for the pipes and kethane developers for the drills this will seem more real and your fans will love it
  2. You can use 2 wings that dont have a rudder they must be small its your choice on the small wings the rudder can be any size you want the challenge is to have one jet. the swept wings are out because the size
  3. the rocket engines is your choice but you need only one jet
  4. the challenge is to use one jet, 2 small wings and one rudder, this is your choice to have 1-4 rockomax 48-7s this can help you for vertical take off/landings the rockets are not required in the challenge but if you want to use them . it is required to have a Kerbal in a seat not a cockpit/capsule This is required the part limit is 20 The wings you can use (including rudders) standard canard advanced canard tail fin Delta deluxe winglet av-t1 winglet small control surface standard control surface fuel is 1-2 fl-t100 fuel tank(s) extra challenge easy: take off like a plane and land at the island airport normal: do a vertical take off and land like a plane OR take of like a plane and land vertically in the water hard: take off like a plane and land on top of the vehicle assembly building you can use the B9_Aerospace mod, its your choice
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