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  1. i have made a Kerbal Image Converter thread here with a link to a new version of the program so we can stop filling this one with bug reports. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=3343.0 bobsmit i do not think your timing could have been any better as i was about to submit this when you made your post
  2. hello i figured i would make it in its own thread instead of flooding the other one with any more bug reports. for those not familiar with the program it will batch convert all the 24 bit PNG files in the parts folder to 32 bit format thus removing the red texture bug from your parts. this is a link to the newest version of the program. https://github.com/downloads/hollow87/Kerbal-Image-Converter/KerbalImageConveter.zip as before you have to do is place the EXE in your KSP folder and run it. the code has now been optimized some more. as for the error well... to be honest we have no idea on what the cause is and i have tried every thing to reproduce it and could not. how ever we have added some code that will tell us what part it is on when the error occurs in an attempt to track down the problem. so when the error occurs please post it so we can have a look at it.
  3. Hello I am new to the forums, however I have played the game for awhile now. I have followed this thread for the past few days after encountering this error my self and have a solution of my own to add. My brother and I have come up with program that will batch convert all the 24 bit PNG files in the parts folder to 32 bit format using the .Net Framework 4.0, this may also work on Mono for Mac users as well but this has not been tested. You can download the program here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10945047/KerbalImageConverter.zip This program has been tested a few times with no issues, however we still recommend that you back up your files to be on the safe side. All you have to do is place the EXE in your KSP folder and run it. Note: It will take a few minutes to convert the files if you have a lot of parts. The source code for the program is be available upon request. If there is any features you want to be added to the program just ask.
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