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Everything posted by dom849

  1. I'm attempting to build a heavy lift SSTO. Getting up to +23KM is not an issue. The beast handles incredibly well in atmo. Transitioning from atmosphere to orbit is....well....a problem. When igniting the rocket motors the craft will immediately begin to pitch up. Obviously, or not so obviously, balance is the issue...I'm pretty sure. Even as the craft is coasting to +38km with the motors off I'm able to correct the attitude. I start the engines up and again its pitching in the same direction. Examining the line of thrust and the CoM they appear to be aligned. I will admit that viewing the CoM and line of thrust is a fair guestimation within the VAB. Does anyone have any tips for getting it just perfect? If you're thinking uneven fuel burn might be the culprit, I've made sure that the fuel tanks are along 4 axis and burn counter to each other. So, tank left top burns front to back, right top back to front, left bottom back to front, right bottom front to back. Jet fuel is set up similarly and opposite to rocket fuel. For your advice, thank you in advance! Mantis 1 Mantis 2
  2. Or, if you're like me and saved a complex asparagus stage in sub-assemblies, you'll find that all the connecting fuel lines were conveniently disconnected so you can experience the joy of reconnecting them.
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