I don't post very often because, frankly, forums confuse and infuriate me! (Just kidding, I just typically suck at navigating them and stuff.) However, your mod is absolutely awesome. It needs to be said, and said alot. I downloaded this mod one day out of boredom along with a few others to try to get the most out of KSP after I'd played vanilla to death. I didn't really know what to think of all the robotic parts at first. I thought, "sure, this is neat, but what can I even do with it?" So the mod stayed installed but I never really made use of the parts. Occasionally I'd experiment with them a little, but ultimately decided that they were just toys and had no real practical use. As time went on, I eventually got KAS and Interstellar, and Kethane, and started a 'mining base' on Moho. Then I thought of Descent, and how they had robots doing alot of the mining in that game, and thought, "Huh. I could build a mining robot with Kethane drills on it's arms and use the robotic parts to make it." Sure, not very practical still, but very cool nonetheless. It wasn't until ARM that I realized just how essential this mod is to me. I've struggled with how to get rovers onto other planets for a while now. I mean, sure, I could just build it into the rocket in a clunky ugly way and land it down. I have made drop harnesses as I call them several times. However, I do like to try to keep my rockets aerodynamic and somewhat plausible, and eventually I thought, "How did they get the rover onto the moon IRL?" It freakin' folded up. So I thought, "Holy crap! I could use the hinges from Magic Smoke Industries to make the wheels fold up and I could probably stuff it in one of the stage covers from KW! Oh... MSI is incompatible at the moment. Oh well, no matter, I can do with out..." I have checked the forums every day to see if this mod works yet, and I patiently wait for the day that it is fixed up, and each day without it I think of a few more ways I can utilize the parts within. In summary, this mod is epic, and you are a boss for dedicating your time to giving use the privilege of enjoying it. Please, please, please ignore the ingrates, the flamers, and keep this mod going. KSP just would not be the same without it. Thank you, Sirkut, for making this mod.