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Everything posted by leosperry

  1. Wow, Just wow. TBH, I hadn't thought of trying to make it fly like a plane. I just wanted a lander that could drive and float and get all the science. I am truly impressed. Would you mind taking a couple of screen shots from the bottom, top and rear. I'm curious how you mounted that engine on the underside. Here's a pic of the "Mother Ship"
  2. per Wikipedia (which is obviously subjective) a troll is: A troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community. Question: If we can't go to other star systems like they do in many Sci-Fi works of fiction, why not implement what we can do semi realistically in Kerbal? If this challenge is impossible, it is impossible; it is only a challenge. Question #2: How does proposing a challenge like this make one a troll?
  3. If you don't know what a dyson sphere is, look it up. Challenge: Easy: Build a single assembly that can be repeated and connected to itself over and over again to form a ring all the way around Minmus. Hard: Make it in such a way that a section can be interchanged to allow for multiple fuel types to be added to your final ring. Add docking ports to allow for fuel transfer.
  4. Here's a Link to my mobile science station. It doesn't have the lander yet (hence the challenge). http://i.imgur.com/tPmtfuJ.png
  5. The idea is that there is a "mobile processing lab" in orbit. So, no it does not need the "mobile processing lab". Bonus points if you can land and take off from water and/or land. Personally, I only use stock parts. I've looked at several of the mods, but I haven't installed any. I think at least for the moment, for me, I will stick with the stock parts. Only because I play this game as much to learn as I have fun. If there is a "winner" it will go to the person using stock parts. Who is the winner? I'm a software engineer for a web content management company. For me personally, the best design is the most robust and the simplest. If you can build a lander that can return to it's mother ship and refuel and do it again and again, you win. Imagine a science station in the Jool system with 1 lander that will land on all 5 moons and return. After finishing the Jool system, perhaps it might move on to Eeloo (after a refuel of course).
  6. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64878-Amphibious-Hydroplane
  7. While I know that the physics for actual hydroplanes will likely not ever be implemented, I wonder what we can do to come up with a viable substitute. This challenge comes from an idea I had about Laythe. I decided to build an amphibious craft for Laythe. The idea was that even if I missed the land on landing, I could just jet through the water then ease onto land. I put 1 FL-t800 on its side, mounted a couple of "Modular Girder Segments" on it at angles pointing downward, then mounted a couple more FL-T800 fuel tanks as pontoons. I mounted wheels to the outside of the pontoons. I then added fuel lines from the pontoons to the center fuel tank and added an engine to the top tank. I also added a couple of downward facing side mounted engines for getting back to orbit. The idea was there would be 2 fuel tank pontoons and a single jet, above the water line, to push the whole craft through the water. I tested it on Kerbin, and, well, it was a complete failure. Because the thrust was above the center of mass, it just wanted to nose dive in the water(if the wheels even survived entering the water at all). It seems to me the solution would be to put the rear facing jet below the water line. I wonder if real physics would even allow that and how does the game handle it and how close is the game to reality? Anyway, on to the challenge! Challenge: Easy: 1. Build an amphibious craft that can land on Lathe (water or land). 2. The craft must navigate from water to land and back to water or, from land to water and back to land. Moderate: Craft must contain all science equipment,a transmitter, and hold at least 1 kerbonaut. Hard: above requirements + safely make it back to orbit to dock with mother ship
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