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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. So, fed up of using big expensive ships to rescue kerbals on the 'Return him from orbit!" missions, I decided to add some Kerbal Return Pods to my space station
  2. Excellent design, wouldn\'t have thought of the tri-coupler for landing. Does it break off easily?
  3. ktsareload

    Windows 8

    As long as I can do away with the metro interface when using a regular laptop, I\'m happy!
  4. Would recommend dropping to the i7-2600k to save a little cash and getting a 120gb SSD for your boot/app install drive, they make such a difference!
  5. Cheers - thought it was F1, wondered what I was doing wrong!
  6. It kinda lifts itself - engines built on the back Needs a little finessing on the orbital path but quite straightforward really. The mk3 version in my thread is even more of a beast, but again is actually quite easy to get up there
  7. Right, last one from me - the mk3 version. Haven\'t taken any screenshots yet, but just got it into a 200k orbit so should be relatively straightforward for anyone who wants to try
  8. And here we have the mk2, 6 stacks instead of 4 to give it a slightly more circular feel - plenty more fuel too for those nice high orbits. One thing that\'s bugging me is that the stack decoupler seems to give the station a minute \'kick\' resulting in a rotation which is difficult to match for \'threading the needle\' excersises As you can see by the two screenshots, both low and higher orbits are possible.
  9. Minimised the nav aid specifically for the screenshots, actually. ASAS on at launch, throttle up. Tip over at 15k gradually till you hit 45 degrees at around 30k. Let you apoapsis grow to around 150k, then throttle off and speed time up until you\'re a few klicks short of apoapsis. Line up along your vector of travel and max thrust till your periapsis hits roughly the same altitude. I have actually managed to get this thing up to a 600k orbit with fuel left over.
  10. Finally able to make a contribution - a stock space station/docking trainer http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6655.0 1 stage to orbit, and 2nd stage is an RCS lander which can be used to \'dock\' with the orbiting launch module.
  11. More of a practice docking facility really, thought I\'d share it as I\'ve not contributed much so far! 2 part design this one, with a 4-pronged launch/orbiter stage, and a return capsule with lots of RCS. The SSS stage is a 4-pronged facility designed with seperate towers to attempt sideways docking of the module, and a nice open cavity to attempt to \'dock\' with the decoupler collar the training capsule detaches from. Jeb\'s attempts at docking so far, however, have not been too great as you can see by screenshot4.png
  12. Call it 1:48 - can\'t seem to get the similar shape with SRBs to work without overheating
  13. Not my own ship, it\'s someone else\'s as mentioned in first post - but yeah, was a little unstable and difficult to land on the winglets!
  14. Hehe - had a wobbly moment after touchdown as the lander started sliding off down the slope, and Jeb and the boys ran out of fuel after getting back into Munar orbit... but other than that it was a milk run
  15. Hi all, thought it about time I stopped lurking and started posting After playing around (lots) with this incredibly awesome game, I finally managed a stable Munar landing using Ivan Ivanovich\'s Stock Moon Lander and excellent guide over at http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4137.0 - good job that man! So, my pride and joy, a snapshot from Jeb\'s holiday
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