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Everything posted by allista

  1. This is weird, because the kit should be landed when you build it and launch it's content. So orbit recalculation (done by KSP, not by GC) should not take place at all. I'll check the full log, thanks.
  2. Such differential thrust as you describe is not possible with TCA yet. But I'll explore the possibility. *** And that's what normal operation in low-G looks like when you use instant-response engines: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/201778656 Notice the constant acceleration pattern: the craft accelerates until about half the distance, then decelerates slowly the other half. This way it's easy to control overshooting and it's faster than accelerate-cruise-decelerate (which also could be achieved using maximum speed limit). Also notice that in the beginning TCA uses most of the thrust to accelerate, tilting greatly. But in the end it controls the deceleration much softer, so it doesn't need to tilt so much. So it's not that TCA can't use thrust to decelerate quickly; it just uses another strategy for VTOL navigation.
  3. You can make two engine profiles: one for takeoff/landing where you set the four to thrust & maneuver, and the other for flight, where, as you do, you set them to maneuver only. You'll have to switch between them manually, but the just a single click. As for the speed, I'm not sure. You say "central reaches 100%" - does it mean the engine has non-zero thrust reaction time? If so, considering that the other four are for maneuvering, TCA will tilt slowly and only to a degree, so as not to loos TWR. Again, try to use the four as thrust & maneuver. Another reason TCA takes it slow may be the calculation of brake path: if you have low TWM, it would take much time to accelerate/decelerate, especially if the only thrust provider is a slow-response engine.
  4. I would like to retain the acronym, but Galactic is too bold for KSP
  5. The new member of my crew is a girl named Litha. But she's not yet decided if she'll be an engineer or a pilot; or maybe even a scientist, walking her father's steps You can look at her here: As for the space construction - this is the thing I'm at last actively working on right now. But the scheme we're agreed upon with @RoverDude includes one more element: in situ kit production. So you'll have the way to make kits in a colony or even in a space station (now that's really high tech!), then assemble them on the surface or in a space dock of appropriate size. Looks like I'll have to rename the mod after all. Global Construction?
  6. Could you share the save file in question? I'll try to figure out why that happened and, in any case, will fix the save button hand. Oh, and a mod list, please
  7. But the seed is saved. It also should stay after reload, and the floating point "seed" should also stay the same. Strange. I also have a save from 1.3 with an asteroid with several hatches attached, but the first world with it alright. Is there anything in the logs?
  8. Awesome! Thanks for the patches, I'll include them ASAP The seed should contain the seed, but it can be obtained only when an asteroid is loaded. So this one probably wasn't.
  9. What you describe looked more like incorrect use than a bug, but since you're an experienced user, please, try to test things a little to isolate the issue, then describe the steps to reproduce it. Otherwise I have no means to help. Thank you for through investigation! I'll take a look inside AVP code and try to find the cause. https://github.com/allista/ThrottleControlledAvionics/issues/46
  10. I was just about to suggest you this. This should help if your custom asteroids use ModuleAsteroid inside. Quite interesting. I'll try to reproduce it on my install and report back.
  11. You mean the fix doesn't work? The error messages won't disappear, but the seed still the old save should stay, as well as asteroid's shape. Do you have ModuleAsteroidFix.cfg in AT_Utils?
  12. You're correct in that hangars only decrease part count, while adding their mass to the total. But if you're building so huge a mission you'll probably want that too, cause otherwise it may be difficult to control the mothership in maneuvers with so much physics processing. I'd recommend you to try hangar fairings instead of some of your cargo bays; they're single-use only, but give considerably lower overhead in mass than reusable hangars. And since, as I understand, you're trying to establish a base, there's no point in having a huge empty ship afterwards. Building on Mun and launching from there would certainly be much easier with respect to both dV and fuel, as well as subsequent navigation; but it would be also much slower due to construction time. If you want pure in-orbit construction, try Extraplanetary Launchpads. You'll save yourself the effort of launching to orbit. But you'll have to haul the fuel to your construction, while with GC you can produce all the fuel on site.
  13. Nothing wrong with the UI, you just need to drag the floating controls by the small green dots near them to arrange them as you like the first time. Your installation arrears to be correct. As for the other difficulties, I strongly suggest you to read the manual (look at the top of the OP). TCA is pretty complex piece of software; there's no way of using it without some learning first.
  14. Definitely not intended. They should spawn about 5cm above the platform. Could you share some screenshots?
  15. By editing the patch that adds the hangar module to them. They use single use storage; you can change it to be just hangar storage. But I would argue that this is a cheat.
  16. Neither do I, but thanks for your vigilance
  17. This is the current .version file: { "NAME":"ThrottleControlledAvionics", "URL":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/allista/ThrottleControlledAvionics/master/GameData/ThrottleControlledAvionics/ThrottleControlledAvionics.version", "DOWNLOAD":"http://spacedock.info/mod/198/Throttle%20Controlled%20Avionics", "CHANGE_LOG_URL":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/allista/ThrottleControlledAvionics/master/ChanegLog.md", "VERSION": { "MAJOR":3, "MINOR":5, "PATCH":0, "BUILD":0 }, "KSP_VERSION_MIN": { "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":3, "PATCH":1 }, "KSP_VERSION_MAX": { "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":3, "PATCH":1 } }
  18. One of the main changes (for TCA) is how CelestialBody.GetRelSurfacePosition works: in 1.3.1 they changed reference frame from world to CB. Take a look at this commit: https://github.com/allista/AT_Utils/commit/f09a620e7ed98d97a526e23d7d774b8788584218
  19. Possible, yes, but not by me, I'm afraid... I do have some things to attend to right now *also, some changes had to be made in AT_Utils which affect other mods, so I would have to release the bundle...
  20. Unfortunately not: KSP code has changed quite a bit between 1.3 and 1.3.1 and the changes make things incompatible.
  21. Here you go: https://github.com/allista/ThrottleControlledAvionics/releases/tag/v3.5.0
  22. Well, since USI has is own path to MatKits, it was somewhat cheaty to provide them that easy; it was, and is made for standalone GC installations. But of course you can alter the MM patch for ISRU to suit your needs.
  23. Almost: this fix is included in AT_Utils, so no matter which of my mods you install, asteroids' form will be stabilized. It also doesn't matter if you have anything attached to them.
  24. Version 1.2.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1 Released on 2017-11-09 Recompiled for KSP-1.3.1 Remove ISRU patch if USI is detected. Fixed PartCost calculation. Download
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