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    Curious George
  1. Direct Link:- Heeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllloooooooooooo everyone i'm Xuul. I usually make modding tutorials on Youtue but i also recoreded a few videos of me jumping into KSP completely blind. (Having only heard about it from a friend.) Here is me attempting to learn to play (after tweaking the settings and learning the basic controls) There is only two videos in this series and i am hoping to make at least 3 more videos if there is some interest in them (and hopefully make it to the moon) At the time of making this video i didnt realize just how many people were playing this awesome game So i realize this idea may be a bit overdone. I am looking for feedback to my videos and hope that you check out what i have done. Thanks for taking the time to look at this:wink:
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