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  1. About me - Introduction to the topic - Even though we know a lot about space, and are extremely advanced to know stuff, there is something holding us back. We have only sent man to the moon and nowhere else. And we are a lot far behind than our thinking, and in someway our seeds of doubts and community problems is stopping us. I know many of you may disagree, but yes I do point out that I am not completely right about this. My aim you see, is to improve space travel, by using the best methods. Note that I just wanted to improve the technique, but philosophy before is a must, heh. Please note that to add your ideas and thinking to this thread in a kind way, don't be hypocrites pls <3 The main aspects are - 1) Philosophy/Society 2) Techniques Philosophy If we see humanity from a perspective, we can see the world is a bit bleeped up. People are deep in philosophies which only makes a person deep in doubt and without any motivation, even when they think that they are right (may contain irony). People are overly sensitive for everything, even the wrong. Wanting equality for those who are not normals (gay people and all are normal, I am not pointing them out lol, I'm pointing out the hypocritical backward thinking people who are sadists, and are mostly found everywhere as well as always create barriers in development through their pointless but non arguable ideologies) and we fight for equality of groups RATHER than individuals. There should not be an organisation specifically for blacks, women or stuff, but an organisation for only the individual who is suffering as just fighting for groups is not easy as people misuse it and create even more inequality, and people with idiotic ideologies come in it and misuse it as a weapon. This will only bring us together and solve bigotry issue in the world. We be more aligned towards knowledge and creativity and science! Be happy together in a delightful world. See the point is not to make the world completely good because that's impossible, but to make it more comfortable for evolution to take its pace. Techniques Back to topic, first of all I have this dream of making an "International Space and Analogy Organisation" where we unite as species, all the space agencies of the world, combining the best of technologies, combining the best of technologies to create even better technologies! I also made a logo (yea I do graphics) - http://i.imgur.com/ff0riIJ.png Now the main tension, many of you might know that rockets were not always the best method to get into space and were solely made to win in the space race. You may also disagree, and you are good at your points, still, there are better methods such as spaceplanes, spacehooks, nuclear pulse propulsion, space bridges (idiotic imo) and spaceguns (serious g's will be taken) The problem is that when we need to launch a rocket, in order to go to another planet, we compromise a lot, as 80% of the rocket is fuel. And due to that we are not able to create a comfortable ride to outer space, even the fuel is 60% used when we get outta orbit. Satellites are different, I am talking about man in space. So how do we not compromise too much, but still have reusable methods of interstellar travel with minimum effort? The answer is mother ships. How you ask? there are 3 components of this - The Explorer and The Mothership and The Rescue ship Mothership - If we part by part build a fully functional mothership (not too big, but enough, you see we will make it as small as possible but still it will be so big that it could not actually be sent into space through rockets, but in parts) just like we built the ISS, and the mother ship will be the "International Space Mothership (ISM)" which will be upgraded with the best of technologies again and again, and it can travel between planets easily, as all the effort of the world will be on this, and it may not fail. When not in use, it will orbit the earth. The con is that we would need to keep it safe, so we can send someone from the ISS to take care of it and constantly send probes to keep it intact. Another problem is that there is over 30000 pieces of debris which travel at speeds up to 23,000 km/h around the earth, which is again, dangerous. We can make the ship circular to create artificial gravity through centrifuge Example - https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJO6P4CrEDb1kEnJxZW_qwz1ESLNzMtuUXlwk6m2ZsHgg5TtbR Explorer - To keep it simple, It will be more like a space plane which is like a drone - rocket (Hey, aerodynamics doesn't work on all planets, some places stuffs extreme as hell. See neptune) (and it is an SSTO Plane-rocket- drone) and can easily get into orbit or outer space, it is not just a plane but works more like a plane and a lander, and can maneuver almost everywhere. Example - http://www.starshipmodeler.co/gallery16/dh_021215_lander_h1.jpg Rescue ship - Keeping another backup ship in orbit to sent if events turn out like "The Martian" Similar to interstellar, if you have seen the film. Just imagine, we can actually do it but still we aren't. I guess, I might be wrong, but still we can do it and it is one of the most easiest ideas I have (easier said than done, btw) and would be so easy to colonize planets. I am would love making this a megathread, Please give your ideas below, and correct me if I'm wrong. Also, please explain some science too, in order to prove this all. I would love to have all your ideas.
  2. This is part one of the Zaywa Solar System Pack (also my first mod!), a solar system designed specifically to have unique planets and moons. The bodies included in part 1 are Zaywa-221, Zarya-BBC, Hade, Pike, Rayne, Kepler, Sahra, Galleon, Zomg, Woh and the mysterious Planet X. Part 2 will include the rest of the moons, Borag and some fixes to the already existing planets. If you know how to solve any of the issues associated with the pack, please let me know about a solution so I can fix it. The Zaywa Solar System Pack requires Kopernicus and the latest version of Hyperedit_1.4.2 to function properly. Hyperedit is currently required to have an ocean on Zomg and to adjust the atmospheric pressure of some of the planets. Development Thread: Download Link (Part 1):http://kerbal.curseforge.com/projects/zaywa-solar-system-pack-part-1?gameCategorySlug=shareables&projectID=242342 The Zaywa Solar System currently features: Binary star system. A "puffy planet" (actual scientific term) Amusing lore with bad puns. Stock-alike naming? Easter Eggs. (Hints: "What is Planet X?", "Treasure Maps", "Patience is key," "Numbers.") Compatibility with most popular planet packs, including Kerbal Galaxy and most of the popular planet packs. Absurdly high science values. Memes. Known Issues: Incorrectly colored rims appear on most of the planets. I can't seem to figure out why this happens, though. The day/night sides of the terrestrial planets do not seem to match up with Zaywa's sunlight. Sahra's oceans may appear spazzy. Overheating in Pike's lava oceans is often unpredictable. Land there at your own risk. Triva Facts: Woh's green coloration is actually caused by an unforeseen bug that strangely made Woh turn out better in my opinion. Galleon was originally supposed to be an oddly shaped planet that got its name from the way it wobbles. Most of the planets in the Zaywa pack are actually based on real-life exoplanets that have been discovered. I intended to have an asteroid belt between Rayne and Kepler. Zomg's atmosphere tearing ships apart is completely intentional and not an issue. Confirmed Changes: More terrestrial bodies. Better ambient lighting. With enough requests, I may include a silhouette of Planet X. Galleon will be renamed "Palleon". A new biome map for Palleon and working biome maps for most of the terrestrial bodies, including Rayne and its singular biome: Endless Ocean. More moons and some lore alterations. A complete makeover for Sahra, Rayne and Borag. Special thanks to @ProtoJeb21. Without him, the Zaywa Solar System Pack would not be possible.
  3. Hello all, So I've been messing around with a lot of Space Planes; I've got the Mk2 expansion and starlion industries upgrade with KSPI. One thing the pack is majorly missing is atmosphere processing. I've been wondering if there's a way to make a separate part that can convert atmosphere intake (intake atm) to a gas/liquid fuel much like the stock KSPI processors, but not acting as it's own intake. ideally it would use the ratio of gasses in the current atmosphere and same charge-output ratios as the processors. the point of this is the have in inline processor hooked up to a few streamline standard intakes to use with KSPI and other engines. cuts down on part count, drag, and weight, and makes it more realistic and pretty. tl;dr i want a part to be an inline atmosphere processor, but not an intake, that can convert from intakeATM to other gasses. I've tried cut-paste code from the processors, but the KSPI setup is far beyond me. [EDIT] the code in the .cfg file seems to refer to another module somewhere else, or perhaps something in a DLL file. also, sorry, i wasn't clear that this was a request for said part.
  4. Looks like any old interplanetary ship, doesn't it. But it most definitely is not ordinary.This craft, inspired by a ship-that-will-not-be-named in a movie-that-will-not-be-named, features a rotary habitat ring! It provides artificial gravity in order to stop your kerbals from devolving into puddles of green slime. The habitat ring rotates independently of the main ship, and crew members can easily transfer between their quarters and the command section. The ring rotates at a speed of 20 m/s at its maximal safe capacity, enough to produce a centrifugal force of around 0.3 G. The rotary engines are good for about 120 days of sustained rotation or 220 days of 0.2 G gravity. Use the physics warp mod for it to remain rotating. The torus is held in place by a state-of-the-art system of road wheels and dinner plates. A few pieces of metal is all that is stopping the torus from floating away into the void. Some corners had to be cut in order to keep the craft light enough to be sent into orbit. Due to the limitations of the stock game, the torus must be at the end of the craft in order to function properly. Also due to the same limitations, the torus may exit the wheel cage when using physics warp, so be careful. Can reach Jool with a well-executed maneuver. No botanists allowed. Download link here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zs4inu48dx6wcqz/Stock%20Hermes%20inspired%20craft%20-%20Copy.craft?dl=0
  5. While there are many planet packs that you can download that will give new a whole new set of places to explore, my planet pack attempts to do that and provide some of the most unique planets ever while also staying true to stock naming style. Keep in mind that this mod is still in development and it will require Kopernicus. As of right now, I don't even have a beta version ready yet, but hopefully, that should change soon. When I get my first beta version ready to release, I will link it in this post! I don't have all the names finalized yet, so suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Feedback and opinions are also greatly appreciated. Until it's decided that more than 3 solar systems will be added, Zaywa will orbit Kerbol with a semi-major axis of roughly 8 light-years. Zaywa: A blue star about twice the size of Kerbol that emits normal sunlight so players can fully appreciate the beauty of the other bodies in the solar system. One of the problems I see with blue stars emitting blue light is that they tend to make the planets darker and/or mask a lot of the beautiful colors, so by having it emit the same color sunlight as Kerbol, players can fully appreciate the beauty of all the planets and stars in the pack. Zaywa-2: *Naming suggestions wanted* A tiny red dwarf star that again, emits a small amount of normal sunlight for the same reason as its big brother, but orbits Zaywa in a very close orbit to give us a binary star system. Hade: A moonless dark gray gas planet that has a tight orbit around Zaywa. While being roughly the same size as Jool, it's far less dense due to the high temperatures. Crafts should be able to survive a high-altitude flight here as long as you have a heat shield protecting the front of your craft. Pike: A rocky planet with towering volcanoes, lava lakes and a thick, smoke-like atmosphere. Touching the lava is a great way to fry your Kerbals. Overheating in the lava lakes WILL be incorporated in the initial release! Rayn: *Naming suggestions wanted* A large water world with an endless ocean beneath a beautfil blue sky. It features an atmosphere with a small amount of oxygen. Kepler: A green and blue gas planet in the habitable zone of the Zaywa system which has its own set of rings. Its moons are thought to contain life. Atlas: A Kerbin-like world complete with mountains, deserts, oceans, rivers, lakes, grasslands and ice caps. May add in an alien space center Easter Egg if I can figure out how to. Sahra: A world that has vast deserts, tall mountains, ice caps and small oceans all beneath an atmosphere rich in oxygen. Small lakes and rivers are scattered about the desert landscape. Galleon: A large, tidally locked, terrestrial planet that has rings and a few moons... All in a polar orbit! Galleon is meant to rotate on its side, similar to how Uranus from our own solar system does. The dark side is a large ice-covered flatland while the light side is mountainous and rocky. Moon suggestions for Galleon would be greatly appreciated. Kale: A bluish rocky moon that orbits just outside of Galleon's rings. Zomg: A gas planet so large, its mass rivals that of a brown dwarf. It makes Jool look tiny by comparison and it has rings in a rainbow of colors. Unlike most gas giants, it has an ocean formed from the immense heat and pressure. Woh: A gas giant about half the sie of Jool that orbits Zomg. Hyperion: *Naming suggestions wanted* A Dres-sized rocky moon in orbit around Woh. It can be a bit tricky to encounter thanks to its moon. Dingus: *Naming suggestions wanted* A large moon placed in the perfect position to screw with missions to Hyperion. Sur: A boring asteroid-like moon in orbit around Woh in a mostly Geostationary orbit. Ched: A Moho-sized rocky, yellow moon that orbits Zomg with enormous craters and a few mountain ranges beneath a thick, yellowish atmosphere. Might make an integration for Environmental Visual Enhancements that adds a few layers of yellow clouds that hide the surface. Swish: A greenish-yellow rocky moon that has many craters on its surface. Glace: An icy moon in a highly eccentric orbit around Zomg. The decription will mention the possibility of a warm ocean beneath its icy surface. Herb: A dark green rocky moon with a surface peppered with large craters and deep, vast canyons. Kierra: A mountainous moon with a few peaks that rise above a thin atmosphere. Kyro: An oblong rocky moon with a high orbital inclination that makes a complete rotation approximately once every 30 minutes. Borag: An ice/snow-covered planet that features lakes and volcanoes that spit out ice instead of magma. It also features a very tiny set of beautiful cyan rings. Hiemal: An ice-covered asteroid-like moon in a distant orbit around Borag. Special thanks to @ProtoJeb21 for letting me use his planet pack's configs as a base so I could see how Kopericus works and understand how to begin making my own planet pack. Be sure to let me know what you think of my planet ideas thus far and do tell me how I can improve upon the Zaywa system.
  6. In this story, I will be describing the first contact between humanity and Kerbalkind. Pretend that the Kerbol system is scaled up to real size, while still having the same planets. I am also including the OPM planets. Date: 7/25/2077 Location: Low Earth Orbit Interstellar Probe 37 was docked to the carrier ship that contained the reactors and Alcubierrie drives. It flew to a newly discovered solar system and released the probe. To be continued...
  7. Hi all, one of my career modes was nearing endgame, so i decided to spice it up by installing Interstellar, since it contains a tech that's missing from stock parts - thermal turbojets for exploring planets with anoxic atmospheres. As these super powered engines were threatening to make things too easy, I added Ferram Aerospace , which with it's tendency to make you obsess over the area rule curve sent me scurrying towards B9 Aerospace procedural wings to get the shape i wanted. Interstellar is a pretty big mod in and of itself, but apparently needs Tweakscale and Starlionindustries KSPI Integration patch to work properly. This all worked OK for about a week, spent the best part of a day creating an airframe. Then, all of a sudden the Kraken strikes when i try to launch any of my vessels. Everything appears normal for a second, then the world and the vessel disappear. The screen is black apart from the UI, which is updating at about 0.3 FPS. From that point, if i try to return to the Space Centre, all I can see is an empty milky way skybox - Kerbin itself is gone, quit to main menu and reload is the same, the only way to bring the planet back is to quit to desktop and reload. Same thing happened even on one of the training scenarios. I then removed all mods, and game seemed to work again. I put back only the mods listed above (since that is what my aircraft requires) but the bug returns. I spent a whole day test flying and tweaking the design but it looks like i'll never be able to fly the finished article?
  8. So I followed all the steps to install this visual pack but it doesn't work. Before completing the installation I downloaded all the other necessary mods but those don't work either. My game works fine but there is no change at all. I don't see any planet shine on my stations whatsoever, and when I open the map or am above Kerbin, there are no clouds, it's just the stock normal one. I'm attaching a picture of my gamefolder http://imgur.com/FgGcP7Z
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