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  1. The hardest thing I have done so far is putting a manned lander on Moho and then getting it back to Kerbin again. Had to send out a refuelling rig twice as the original craft set off with a woefully inadequate amount on board. First one went to Moho, but used up most of the fuel it was carrying just to get there, which meant another had to go. That one had to rendezvous with the guys on a highly elliptical Kerbol orbit - Periapsis near Moho and Apo near Kerbin. Most tutorials on rendezvousing talk about getting an encounter at less than 5km; I was happy to get one on that orbit below 5000km! Next difficult task I have been putting off is a manned lander to Eve. I have no doubt I can get something on to the surface to plant a flag, but I don't think my current abilities are up to designing something that will get the Kerbals back in to orbit again.
  2. Question answered! So while this thread is still alive, go ahead and brag about what trading cards you have. Talk about your cards (over a cup of tea, preferably) Maybe even trade.
  3. Nice Job. Just been trying to do the same, i assume you have robotics installed? Managed to build 2 similar designs without the articulation, single rover in a 3.5M fairing, and one with 2 rovers in a 5M fairing. The rovers themselves I've had up to 40m/s on the mun (rcs assisted), talk about hairy but pretty stable, just don't make any fast turns or adjust direction when your about to get airborne... RIP Mr Kerbil. Plus with the rcs if they do roll you can right them easily. Note that on the 5M assembly it also has 2 rcs refuelling tanks, but need to adjust them as it's 50/50 whether they actually land on their feet. 5M dual rover assembly 3.75M single rover assembly Comments/suggestions welcome. Now to get advanced robotics... MOAR MODS!! Hans
  4. I've been playing this game for months now (first tried the demo, later bought it on Steam). Finally, I decided to register on the KSP forums to meet and talk with other people who enjoy playing this game (and space exploration in general). That's it for now, I guess. If you have any questions, please feel free to reply to this thread and I'll do my best to answer them.
  5. I made a blog post about what I was thinking at this time... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/909-Habitation-Space-for-Long-Duration-Space-Flight I don't wanna hijack this thread anymore lets talk there...
  6. The thing is, when you graduate, move out on your own, it's true that there's no longer anyone making decisions for you. However, you just traded all those decisions being made for you for obligations and commitments that you yourself have to keep. First, you have to keep a job. This really cuts into your free time. Most of my friends are out of the house for at least 10-12 hours between commutes and actual work. Then when they do get home, they have to cook for themselves, maybe do some yard work or housework, and then they're finally into their "free time." Some of my friends consider themselves lucky to have more than an hour of free time a day during the week. As has been mentioned, most jobs have dress codes that are stricter in at least some ways than most school dress codes. No jeans, shirts must have collars, maybe no sneakers, etc. That's not even getting into the jobs that require "business casual." As for money, $8 an hour 40 hours a week may sound like a lot, but between taxes, rent, car payments/maintenance/insurance/gas if applicable, and utilities, you won't have much of it left (depending on where you live, that may not even be enough to cover that much). Food comes next. You know that Allstate commercial where they talk about a "ramen noodle every night budget?" That's not uncommon for people out on their own for the first time. Spending an extra dollar a night for a better dinner may not sound like much, but that's $30 a month, and if your "luxuries/entertainment" budget is $100, that $1 for each dinner takes a big bite out of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that you're living in the paradise of your life and it will never get better than that. However, for most people, if it gets better, it's because of their accomplishments "out in the world," not the extra freedom gained from being out in the world. EDIT: "out in the word"? Yeah, fixed that.
  7. If you're willing to learn a bit and already understand a little math up through high-school algebra, the "wizard of a man" can be you yourself! "Delta-v" is simply an abbreviated way of saying "change in velocity." When people talk about a rocket "having delta-v," what they're saying is that, given certain values for engine efficiency and the ratio of fuel mass to total mass, their rocket engines can perform enough burns to change their velocity by a given amount in any direction before it runs out of fuel. If you had a rocket with 1000 m/s of delta-v standing still in a perfect vacuum with no other forces acting on it and you burned it continuously until it ran out of fuel, at the end of that burn it would be traveling in the direction you pointed it at a velocity of 1000 m/s. If you were to somehow magically refuel the tanks, flip it around, and burn the engines against the direction of travel, your rocket would come back to a standstill (relative to its initial starting position). As I usually do, I'm going to highly advise reading three pages over at Atomic Rockets if you're interested in further details about how delta-v works, since the author tries to break it down into layman's terms so that anyone can understand it. You can also get data on the game's stock parts over at the wiki if you want to try a few practical exercises yourself if you want to run the equations yourself (which I'd highly recommend you try at least a couple times; doing the math yourself and changing the numbers to see what happens helped me to understand what was going on, at the very least). As for the other calculations you'll have to do, a good delta-v chart should give you a good idea on how much delta-v you'll need for any given mission on average (assuming optimal conditions), but if you still want to calculate things yourself, there are tons of resources located in the Drawing Board (link in my sig) that can help you with constructing rockets and planning missions. I'd highly recommend taking a look at some of those.
  8. Hey Everyone. Sorry for the unintended closure of the previous thread but I want to get this going again and regain momentum. Alacrity has posted an awesome update video on his mission over on the mission report thread. I encourage everyone to watch it. Actual mission report to follow soon. So when we lost the old thread we were talking about flags and I was trying to answer any lingering questions about structure of this game. as a refresher and from stochasty and my response Are there any lingering concerns or people who decided to leave? Let me know who you are here or via PM so I can take you off the list. We had 2 submissions for flags: From bellino From DeltaC00K13Z Anyone have other ideas or something else they want to talk about?
  9. I'm brainstorming and trying to discover avenues that can be explored that will meet as many of the possible use cases KOS could run into. Here's what I've dreamed up so far, it's loosely based on a couple of networking protocols like IPX and TCP/IP and how a OBDII car network works (including OnStar or alarm gateway to an outside controller if you're into that). KOS-NET Protocol <-- Right amount of description, probably not kerbal enough but will do for a working name until somebody comes up with something better. Definition/Specifications Version 0.00a Supports network, part group, part class, individual part and method registration via broadcast to all KOS enabled parts inside the current vehicle. Every KOS part has the capability to be a network client and controller in one, that way if two vehicles are created from one and they both have KOS on board, they both will have a viable network. Supports basic stock part class integration - possible inheritance based new part class that would act as a drop-in replacement for existing part classes to add KOS support. Template for other authors? Most users aren't going to be interested in addressing every docking light of their orbital shipyard individually. They're likely to be interested in addressing things as definable groups or by type. Grouping and naming of individual parts in the VAB/SPH that stamps a field containing the group name onto the part instance - is this possible? Supports rudimentary routing between different vehicles via doing a sendmessage to another vessel if somebody wants to write the distance/time delayed router code. Stock and stock derived parts wouldn't have the full KOS functionality but there's no reason they couldn't be made to work. Broadcast network simulated via Sendmessage is still the most viable message passing protocol because it just sends to all parts and doesn't care about things like part IDs. Every part with public methods already supports sendmessage so less work is required to get things talking and more can be done to figure out what they need to talk about. When KOS boots up or on part dock/detach/stage, it would broadcast a registration command to all parts inside the current vessel ID, they would respond with their payload including vessel ID. Supports remote part discovery because the discovery command contains the originating network for the discovery request. Once routing is working, the rest falls into place. KOS enabled parts register themselves by class, group name, name they'd respond to, type and method calls available (DHCP/DNS analogues) every time a network init broadcast is detected This network model sidesteps the issues with traversing the entire part tree every time you need to refresh the parts list and the parts list being essentially a list of random IDs. Internet-like resiliency to the vehicle network so when bits are docked or fall off (on purpose or accidently) the network can reshape dynamically without a lot of overhead.
  10. Are you talking about the "do not suggest" list? That's where the robotics/mechanics feature is listed. Anything on the "already suggested" list has a link to the original (or one of several original) thread, so you can go there and talk about it. I agree about that specific suggestion though, there should probably be a thread about that somewhere that can be added to the "already suggested list" so that we can discuss it further.
  11. I think that with 3000 m/s you can land on a lot of planets and moons of the Kerbolian sistem, so you "Demonstrative-lander" is nearly a working one. Althought, the most impressive thing is the single nuclear engine. BTW as shown in many posts before, building a reusable lander is possible and quite easy, so, so I'm going to talk about the rover. A little ago I've analyzed the problem, then I wrote some solution: 1. Build a tall lander with the lander on the bottom 2. Place it radially with a decouple to free it after landing (note: must be light or may need a ballast to balance the lander) 3a. Build a lander with the rover below and then drop some meter over the surface OR 3b. use a KAS crane to make the operation a little more elegant and safe 4. Place it on the top and use an RCS skycrane-but it is very hard to manage 5. Land the rover with another rocket 6. Use a cargo bay from a mod or builded using stock parts I hope this help!
  12. Chapter 3: First contact- Not really Kirlak: Is the Rescue-craft ready for Launch? Krik: Yes sir, but we were unable to get the tolerances set on the largest stealth-Ion engines. Kirlak: So? Is there a problem? Kirk: No.. But we had to use the smaller stealth engines. Kirlak:... Kirk: Alot of them. Mek: The thrust-to-weight ration is just over 2, and our changes give it enough fuel to reach orbit then rendezvous, with a bit left over. Kirlak: Is it armed? Mek: Yes. 6 dumb-fire high-effect kinetic missiles- hidden within the trunk of the vehicle. Kirlak: Very well. Launch in 3. 2. 1. Liftoff.......... Wow. That thing can climb. Kirlak: Come in, Drake1- can you hear me? Neilman: This is Rescue craft Drake1, Pilot Neilman. The comm gear seems working fine. You guys should see the view. Neilman: That is a point- that magnetic accelerator cannon works- It can accelerate objects out of the atmosphere..... So why didn't we use it? Kirlak: Too expensive- only expendable payloads or devices which are set for interplanetary interception are cleared for that. WE cannot withstand the G-forces. Neilman: Alright. Breaching atmosphere and decoupling primary solar panels shielding. Neilman: Circularization burn underway. Solar panels deployed. Neilman: Beak Deployed, and maneuvering systems online. We will be intercepting with the station Joe's Diner in 2 hours. Kirlak: Let's hope you make it in time. *** On the Station Joe's Diner *** B9K: Commander. Jeb: Yes? What is it? B9K: You might want to know the gravioli source is approaching the ship. Acceleration- 20 g. Jeb: That has to be a SWARM Vessel. Nothing else accelerates that fast. B9K: The gravoili patterns coming from the detector are... Odd.. Jeb: How so? B9K: Look for yourself. Jeb: ... I don't understand what this is. Break it down, B9K. B9K: The blue shape in the middle is our station. The blue/green waves are our active gravioli pulses- think active-scanning radar. Jeb: What's that orange shape? B9K: That appears to be the ship. It's shape is insinuating a much more sophisticated type of gravioli drive- possibly a more energy-efficient version. Jeb: Is it getting closer? B9K: Yes. And decelerating at a rate of- *BOOM* Jeb: SONOFA- *THWAM* Jeb: B9K- What just hit us? B9K: A gravioli wave. It looks like the ship tried to decelerate too close to us, and we got caught in it's shunted gravioli wake. Jeb: Are we going to die? B9K: No. Jeb: Are weapons still online? B9K: Checking... No. Our one lazor is down commander. Jeb: Can we get it fixed? B9K: Yes, but it would require an EVA mission with- WARNING! Non-terrestrial transmission detected! Jeb: Launch a micro-probe- we need to asses the damage. Jeb: I don't think the rescue ship will be able to use the lower docking bays.... B9K: What about the transmission? Jeb: Put it through.... SWARM: 010001110111001001100101011001010111010001101001011011100110011101110011001000000100110001101001011001100110010100100001001000000100011101110010011001010110010101110100011010010110111001100111011100110010000001001100011010010110011001100101001000010100011101110010011001010110010101110100011010010110111001100111011100110010000001001100011010010110011001100101001000010010000001000111011100100110010101100101011101000110100101101110011001110111001100100000010011000110100101100110011001010010000101000111011100100110010101100101011101000110100101101110011001110111001100100000010011000110100101100110011001010010000100100000010001110111001001100101011001010111010001101001011011100110011101110011001000000100110001101001011001100110010100100001- Jeb: TURN THAT OFF! B9K: Sorry Jeb. I am de-scrambling it now.... It seems to be simple ASCII sequences.... Jeb: Please translate it B9K. B9K: Doing... More of the message seems to be parsing in now.... Huh. Here it is: ************************** TRANSLATION COMPLETE. Greetings Life! Greetings Life! Greetings Life! Greetings Life! I am the SWARM Vessel Nostalgia For Infinity. We apologize for the accidental damage caused to your habitat, and we wish to begin diplomatic relations with your people. As we only detect minor transmissions from your smaller excursionary *Word unknown. Possibly 'hands' or 'manipulators'*, we have parsed this into a level of transmission we think you should be able to understand. We will wait outside your habitat for 1/60th of this *Word unknown- possibly referring to kerbin*'s rotation, and then we will land on the minor satellite of this planetary body. We can learn quickly, and will be able to understand you if you are willing to communicate with us. Greetings Life! Greetings Life! Greetings Life! Greetings Life! I am the SWARM Vessel Nostalgia for Infinity. We apologize for the accidental damage caused to your habitat, and we wish to begin diplomatic relations with your people. As we only detect minor transmissions from your smaller excursionary *Word unknown. Possibly 'hands' or 'manipulators'*, we have parsed this into a level of transmission we think you should be able to understand. We will wait outside your habitat for 1/60th of this *Word unknown- possibly referring to kerbin*'s rotation, and then we will land on the minor satellite of this planetary body. We can learn quickly, and will be able to understand you if you are willing to communicate with us. *Message repeats** ************************** Jeb: Well then- I guess we need to say hello. B9K: SWARM vessel detected bearing 150 meters planetside. RCS detected- pattern indicates stationkeeping. Jeb: B9K- can we get re-connected to comms? B9K: Quantum communications were scrambled by the gravioli flux... I am de-scrambling now. B9K: We have active comms. MC: Jeb! Jab- If you can hear this, respond! We detected a massive gravioli surge near you! We think it might be another swarm vessel! Jeb: I read you MC. It is a swarm vessel, and it is stationkeeping with us. MC: Please clarify. Jeb: It has not fired, and it seems not to be threatening us. MC: How certain are you of this? Jeb: B9K- please transmit a copy of everything that happened since we went offline. B9K: Complying. MC:.... Jeb: As your AI's are probably telling you, that message says rather clearly that- MC: It is your ass on the line Jeb. Do not take undue risks. Jeb: I won't take undue risks. Over and Out. B9K: Stationkeeping at 50 meters. Jeb: I think it's time I talk a little with this... Nostalgia For Infinity. B9K: I cannot advise this. Jeb: Do we have any larger probes than the cameras? Do we have any better options? B9K: We do not have any better options. The Concealed Razor is More than an hour away, and the rescue craft Drake1 is 40 minutes away. **** Meanwhile (between B9K not advising that and Jeb asking for any better options) Mind1: I wonder if there is a consciousness in there.... Mind3: Don't start this again! Mind2: I still have a point- we may have killed whatever was in there. The gravioli shock when we decelerated was too much for the structure of that habitat... Mind3: Don't help! Mind4: There has to be another entity here- we detected staggered and oscillating gravioli pulses coming from this structure- indicating an observance system utilizing reflection of graviolis. Mind1: Maybe it's insane... Mind2: Just because most other vessels we run into are other SWARM entities does not mean that this one is... See- chlorophyll! Mind2: Why would an entity like us contain chlorophyll-producing-life into energy-collection arrays like that? It's inefficient compared to decay-reactors that we use. Mind1: It's inefficient compared to the heat-transference panels that the Sun-Riders use. Mind3: We are just going on and on. WE should be using long-range sensors to find a landing spot. Mind1: So.... We are not leaving yet? Mind3: NO! We will stay here until our time has elapsed. **** Jeb: Ready for EVA. B9K, Please depressurize the airlock and let me out. B9K: Depressurizing.... HSSSSSSSSSSSSS B9K: Ready for EVA. Opening door now. Jeb: MC- can you hear me? MC: Loud and clear Jeb. Jeb: Lets hope this vessel is more willing to communicate than the last set of SWARM was. MC: Let's hope so. Jeb: Heading outside now... Jeb: It looks... More streamlined than the other ships we have seen. *RCS Fires on the ship* Jeb: It's rotating... What is that? MC: Please transmit the first-contact signal. Jeb: Alright.... NFI: GREETINGS. Jeb: Hello. Are you Nostaligia For Infinity? NFI: YES. WE ARE. WHAT SPECIES ARE YOU? Jeb: My species? Kerbal. NFI: WE HAVE NO MEMORY OF YOUR KIND. WE WELCOME YOU TO THE DEPTHS OF SPACE, LITTLE ONES. B9K: This is most intriguing- every other SWARM vessel we have encountered has been openly hostile. Jeb: We are glad to find friendly people out here. NFI: WE WISH TO HAVE YOUR PERMISSION TO HUNT FOR AN ENTITY SIMILAR TO MYSELF- ONE OF OUR SLEEVES WAS STOLEN BY ANOTHER FACTION, AND WE NEED TO RETRIEVE IT. Jeb: Sleeve? NFI: THE CURRENT BODY. WE SWITCH BETWEEN THEM. ONE OF OURS WAS STOLEN, AND WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR IT. HAVE YOU SEEN IT AND THE FUGITIVE? Jeb:....B9K, Please transmit the relevant data to him. NFI: WELL... THIS EXPLAINS ALOT. WE WILL AWAIT YOUR DIPLOMATIC PERSONNEL, AS STATED, ON THE SMALLEST SATELLITE FOR THE NEXT 4 MONTHS. Jeb: Thanks. That is very considerate. NFI: YOU MIGHT WANT TO TAKE SHELTER WITHIN YOUR HABITAT. WE WILL ACCELERATE AT LOW SPEEDS TO PREVENT DAMAGE. Jeb: Thanks. B9K: Gravioli surge! B9K: No damage. Was that wise, Commander? Jeb: I cannot think of why it would not be. B9K: We have finished rotating back to face perpendicular to orbital direction, although reactor containment has been breached. Jeb: How long do we have? B9K: 20 minutes. Neilman: Joe's Diner, Come in! This is Drako1. I am inbound on your position and burning to rendezvous. Jeb: Man, Am I glad to see you! Neilman: I am coming out of the planetary shadow in a few minutes. *** A few minutes later... *** Neilman: On-route to you. Flipping around and decelerating.... Jeb: That was fast. We see you- come in fast as possible- I need to get out of here. Neilman: Received- I am coming in hot. *THUNK* Neilman: Sorry about that- the docking ring cannot dock too quickly. Let me try that again.... Jeb: Take it easier this time. Neilman: DOCKED! *Sound of airlock opening* Jeb: Man, I am glad to see you Neilman. We need to get out of here! Neilman: Why? B9K: DESTRUCTION Due to reactor explosion in 2 minutes. Jeb: That's why. Neilman: Alright- buckle in. B9K- Seal the airlock and prepare for ejection. B9K: Done. Jeb: Will this be rough? Neilman: Jettesson... NOW. *THUMP* Jeb: I guess that answers that. Are we past shock-wave distance yet? Neilman: Not yet.... *** Neilman: We are probably safe out here. Jeb: Really? That reactor was pretty big.... Neilman: Yup. We are far enough. *** On the Concealed Razor... *** Bob: HE DID WHAT? MC: Jeb Negotiated to meet with an apparently friendly SWARM vessel to meet on Minnimus. We will need you here to help plan the mission. Bob: NO. MC: This is an order. Bob: THEY! KILLED! BILL! And they are going to kill the rest of us unless we kill them first! MC: Only One of them killed Bill, and we have proof that this one is not in league with those ones. Bob: STILL! MC: Calm down or we will take you off the Minnimus Negotiation Mission. Bob: Fine. But we need some people who are actually able to negotiate. MC: True. We will be sending important people with you. Now- we are transmitting coordinates to Rendezvousing with the Drake1. Bob: Can't I stay up here? MC: No. We need you on the ground- we will be sending up an automated defense platform to help your craft defend itself. Bob: I am alright with that. B9K: Coordinates ready- course plotted. Bob: Burn when ready. B9K: Burning. MC: We will also equip the drone with extra fuel. B9K: Dropping...... Turnaround reached..... Bob: At your timing B9K. B9K: Circularization burn underway. Neilman: Razor, this is Drake1- I am heading towards you. Rotate so that I can dock. Bob: Doing now. Bob: So... Jeb- how do you feel being the first person who had a sane conversation with a SWARM vessel? Jeb: Nostalgia for Infinity seemed... Rational. Not like the other SWARM entities we have encountered. Neilman: We are experiencing RCS trouble- it seems like the internal gravioli wave cancelers are slipping out of alignment.... Jeb: That does not sound good. Neilman: It's not. They will explode and shatter this vessel if we keep supplying power to them... Without them active, this ship becomes a beacon in graviolis. Jeb: Is there a way to re-align them? Neilman: No, but I can dump the ascent stage and activate the remote detonation. Jeb: Do it. This pod has enough power to land on it's own after de-orbiting. Neilman: Dumping the stage. ******************** ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DUMP THE: Ion Ascent Stage YES/NO? ******************** Neilman: Yes. ******************** WARNING: IF YOU DUMP THIS STAGE: YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO ACCELERATE BEYOND 1.9G. YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO TAKE OFF AND REACH ORBIT AFTER LANDING. DO YOU WISH TO PROCEED? YES/NO? ******************** Neilman: Yes! B9K: Engines Dumped. Self destruction set for 20 KM. Jeb: Thanks. Bob- we are on approach. Bob: Copy. Jeb: Docking in 3. 2. 1. *THUNK* Bob: And... You guys are Docked! Neilman: Could you go EVA- to see if the warheads were damaged? Bob: You want me to go outside the shielded spacecraft, to inspect nuclear warheads? Neilman: They are not nuclear. They are kinetic-kill warheads. Bob: And that's better? IN SPACE? Jeb: Yeah- remember, Newton is the deadliest son of a- Neilman: They will not fire unless something specific happens. Bob:... Fine.... Bob: I still think this is a bad idea.... Bob: Neilman, your warheads look good. I am coming in now. Neilman: What? They look dangerous? Bob: They look like 6 dark-green spikes. YES. Neilman: Right... Buckle in, and lets get going. Disconnecting... NOW. Neilman: RCS propel off-angle so that drop burn will not have us hit the Razor. B9K: Complying.... RCS burn complete. Land at KSP? Neilman: Sure. We cannot land at the new airport? B9K: Traffic control is not allowing it yet. Neilman: Then KSP it is. B9K: Burn in 45 minutes. Jeb: I am going to sleep. Bob: Aren't you going to plan for the Minnimus mission? Jeb: I will sleep on it. Neilman: Can't argue with that logic! *** 45 minutes later. *** B9K: Burning! Neilman: We cannot land with the extra payload. B9K- jettison the KK warheads. B9K: WARNING- WE WILL BE UNARMED. Neilman: It doesn't matter. We are landing soon. B9K: You have a point. Firing and detaching KK missiles. Neilman: A beautiful ring of kinetic death.... Bob: It would look better pointed at some SWARM. MC: We cannot.... Although that is now a contingency plan. Bob: Good. Neilman: Uncouple Umbilical.... Neilman: Disconnect, and compensate for jettisoning force. B9K: Done... Burning. B9K: Heatsheild oriented. Neilman: Jeb! JEB! Jeb: zzzzz... Huh? Neilman: Kerbin city is visible! As is the new AirPort! Jeb: Cool! B9K: Current speed is 1.5 km/s Bob: That's pretty fast. Altitude? B9K: Low enough for plasma shock to develop. B9K: We are coming up into Railgun Airspace. MC: Drake1, you are cleared for landing. Neilman: Acknowledged MC. B9K- begin landing sequence. B9K: Unlocking and deploying landing legs. B9K: Burning for landing. B9K: We have landed. Jeb: FINALLY! SOLID GROUND! MC: Jeb- we need you in the command center, to plan the next mission. Jeb: Will do MC. **** Meanwhile, The Nostalgia For Infinity closes on Minimmus. **** Mind1: Are we there yet? Mind3: WHY DO YOU KEEP ASKING? YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THE SAME TELEMETRY THAT THE REST OF US DO!!! Mind2: 1 is just trying to antagonize you, 3. Mind3: ITS WORKING..... **** Yeah... **** Sorry for the Late update- I had homework and stuff to get done, and Fluid Mechanics Homework is a **** to finish. Anyway- I am looking for a few brave Kerbals. One from the New World Homes Company, One from the Verolan Aerospace, and several other dignitaries which might find this useful. Your suggestions are always welcome, and since I am running a mission to Minnimus Next, I will consider all designs that are submitted, and take the best traits and designs I like for use. It's Always nice to read your comments, and the next update should be later Friday-Saturday. TÑ̽ÌÂÃ’̃̽ÈHÌšÃÂ̊à̜̤EÃŒÂÃŒÃÑÑ̺̭̎ ̶SÛèìÌÂíã̙̜̾Õ̮ÓÎW̑ÊèÌÂ̯̼̫ÌÂAë̅ã̧Ç̦̤È̘RÌŸÌ­MèêÚÚÖ̲̜̣ Ầ̇ÃŒ×ÃÂ̙̦̖ÈÓIÃÂ¥ÃÅ’ÃÆ’ÃÂÌ̘̘S̃̽Ú̼̘̰ Ì¡ÃẬ̰̭Ãâ€Ãâ€Ĉ̋íï̆ÃÂ̬OÃŒÂ̾ÃŒÊ̂í̖̪̟MäÌâ€ÃŒâ€™ÃŒâ€žIæÑÒ̉̋é̳̤̜̠NĘ̻̂ÕÎ̪̭̘̠Gî̑Ìâ€Ã­Ì†Ì¾Ã§Ì²Ì™Ì¥ÌªÌ¹
  13. Among all the talk of licenses the topic of the next release ETA kind of disappeared. I am purposedly holding off my designs using KAS out of fears the next version will break compatibility, or will introduce additional parts which would be better and would act as replacements for old ones.So is there any ETA on the new version, even a rough one?
  14. Now that there's talk about the Alpha and Beta stage of KSP, can we all agree and push the movement to stop complaining so damn much about the bugs/ faults to this game? I think the real question is when and how did KSP start? It seems to me like they created a game to a point at which they could "play" it and achieve orbit. Then to see if they should stick with developing the game or scrap it with the idea that it might not have a good enough following, they released what they had to the public. After some time and a few updates the following of KSP grew faster than the development, which leaves them at a point to where the public demands more but the actual time needed to develop the game has narrowed. This would leave them at a point to where they need to hire on new staff (aka the hiring of modders) to speed production to meet demand. Also with the fact that the solar system of the game and numerous mods which open an entirely new directions to the game could altar how the Dev's actually want their end product to be. Now pile on a community full of KSP'ers that bash and complain about the flaws seemingly whenever they get a chance to that putting out an update that doesn't revolutionize the game in some major way would be viewed as a failed update. Well damn, all that time and effort put into devloping lasted about 10 minutes because the revert still screwed with your ship the second time you tried to launch it. Then again who am I to voice an opinion, I've never spoken to a Dev. I'd suggest you live KSP like you should live your life, enjoying the moment. -End Mini Rant-
  15. Hey there,just build my first rocket and laughing all the way, because it seems that I have to talk a bit more to my engineers - it won't ignite...okay, that problem will be solved (please no help with that problem )But I wanted to ask, what do you use for video capturing of your flights... I just got the idea of a sequence of all my "mistakes" before my first lift off :DHope to see you in space - sooner or later
  16. We would first talk to each other in Maths and Physics. Assuming we made contact via radio-which is what is most likely to happen-the only thing we would know we have in common with each other would be the transmitters and receivers we communicate with. What do you need to create a radio telescope? Obviously, an intimate knowledge of light (Radio waves being light) is required. But there is way more to it than that. The machinery would require electronics to run at the necessary precision to hit a planet light-years away. Advanced materials to build their structure. The dish requires what we call euclidean geometry. Even knowing that those little points of light in the night sky are stars like our own needs astronomy. Even that isn't the full picture. How is that telescope even going to be powered? And most of all, who is going to discover this required knowledge? Only a society that values Maths, Science and Engineering would willingly spare the Euclid's, Galileo's, Newtons, Faraday's and Maxwell's of the world to pursue these secrets of the Universe, instead of making them do something "practical", like become a farmer, or join the military.
  17. but also understands the frustrations of it as well, and i don't think i got my message across correctly... the adults are using this thread to talk about "enjoy school!" and how they have to work 7 days a week and snaz like that. but to be honest, i do enjoy school (no wonder my class calls me weird ), except for the visual arts part... and it's ironic that i get told to enjoy school by my father and a KSP thread...
  18. Sorry, lost track of the thread. I'll be blunt; for you, that is school and the person yelling at you is a teacher. For me(and every last person in here who is an adult), this is not five days a week, but seven, not 6 am, usually 5 if you commute at all, and it's not your teacher, but your boss who you can't get away with responding in kind to. Or if you work in the service industry, occasionally customers as well. If you work as a staff scheduler for basically any company, that's most of the people you have to talk to. If you are a dispatcher of any kind, that's again, pretty much everyone you give work to. If you, godforbid, are a scheduler for, say, in home health care, that's not only your people you give work to, but basically everyone you are sending them to see. I wish I was exaggerating. But if you thought your teacher hated you, wait til you have a job and things to pay for. It'll either land you in jail or smarten you up to the fact that despite the fact that some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them, pretty much everyone who isn't a close friend of yours would kill you if they could get away with it and not have to cover it up at all. Welcome to dealing with people you don't like. It sucks. You have to do it. I still have trouble with it. But nothing save for possibly suicide would rid you of the having to deal with people issue. And lets not waste our breath here. If you aren't an adult, you generally aren't going to be able to get the stuff needed to relatively painlessly off yourself. The best kids seem to know is wrists and sharp stuff. I pity the poor souls who cut their wrists. They have no clue what they are doing and it's so sad it's almost funny. I know I shouldn't make light of teen depression seeing as I am well aware how serious and all but ignored youth mental health issues are, but I just shake my head a chuckle a somewhat sad chuckle, much like I suppose the Joker would laugh if he did in "What Ever Happened To The Dark Avenger?" comic. It's somewhat funny, but you can't pull it fully out of the sadness.
  19. If you could combine the point of that with Neil deGrasse Tyson's point when he said "... kids are born curious. They're always exploring. We spend the first year of their lives teaching them to walk and talk, and the rest of their lives telling them to shut up and sit down.", you would have what is very likely the most powerful reason many people hate school, the reason many kids find it pointless, and the reason many adults and children alike think most educational systems are failed. Even if children and adults don't realize it, they ask two of the most important questions from a very young age; "Why?", and "How?". Its surprising for me how they actually very rarely get answers to these two questions at home or at school, and even more so that most adults will rarely admit to a kid, while not showing anger or irritation, when they don't have the answer to one of those questions.
  20. just added the Joystiq article to the OP. I'm still trolling the youtubes looking for anyone posting up their videos of KSP stuff at pax. If anyone finds a video of the panel they did with the Day Z guys please post it. Also apparently the talk Felipe gave at the Unity event was recorded but the video for that is no where to be found yet. Keep your eye out for that... I know I am.
  21. I hope it manages to deliver, I'm actually a little excited for it. Especially after the extremely disappointing releases of .20 and .21. Something actually new to play with! I'll hold my breath though. Resources were also looking to be inevitable and now it's taboo to even talk about them.
  22. lajoswinkler, I've held off on mentioning this because I don't like to talk about it, but since you've forced my hand: I have been personally clinically diagnosed with Panic Disorder. One of the hallmarks of this disorder is that I suffer from panic attacks on an infrequent basis. A few have been serious enough that I've hyperventilated; at least one of them caused me to literally collapse. I know from firsthand experience what it's like to feel hopeless and that nothing you can do will (seemingly) get you out of a desperate situation. I also know that I can continue functioning, even when a panic attack hits. It's not pretty, and I usually still need some time to "decompress" once the attack is past, but even when every fiber of my being screams at me to just shut down, I can keep pushing on. Yes, in retrospect most of those situations wouldn't meet your exacting criteria of helplessness, but feeling it from the inside of my own head at that moment, it certainly felt like there were no escape routes from those situations. Nevertheless, I know, from firsthand, personal experience, that panic is not as crippling as you make it out to be. Now you tell me what your experiences with existential terror have been, and maybe I'll come around to your way of thinking.
  23. You don't have to be an expert in anything, let alone in such narrow field. I agree on "more robust". No doubt about that. Reaching steroid monsters is impossible, trust me. Human body can not tolerate such metabolism without artificial boosting. When meat-boulders such as The Rock talk about "all natural", they fu*king lie. People lie. Fact of life. Yeah, chimps have incredibly powerful jaws and can pull quite a bit of weight around. I'd never tease one. I would even be scared to come near an adult male chimp. They're crazy. I was not referring to microbe epidemics per se. (my English needs fine tuning, disease, illness, sickness, oh well) The fact is that early people were plagued by various things, from microbes to sand erosion of their teeth, from cancer to arthritis. Not all were nomades, at least not all the time. There were communities, too. I doubt early hominids cared about birth control, and infanticide is a popular strategy. Baby is delivered and someone throws it away or it's clubbed to death and eaten.
  24. This is like physicists practicing to lawyer-talk . . . Can one of you guys clarify what is really the difference here? Actually this page on Mass versus weight is a bit better but I'd still like to hear what you guys say. What I'm getting is: mass is what an object has when it is in freefall, i.e., how much inertia it has when gravity is not acting on it?
  25. How did you manage to pick up the "asteroid" and "they're being orbited because"? If I see correctly, they were hit by a satellite. Stuff is indeed deorbiting, but we don't know why. The only way to deorbit is to slow down. Maybe they did exactly that... because of reasons? I've had lots of talk with my friend over this upcoming movie and we agree we really can't tell anything because it's - a teaser. (surprise!) Mods should merge this thread with the one you've linked. There's no use of two threads at the same time.
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